require 'formula' class AndroidSdk < Formula homepage '' url '' version '22.6.2' sha1 '6abb9cf56529a40ac29fa70a95f5741fa1ae0f86' conflicts_with 'android-platform-tools', :because => "The Android Platform-Tools need to be installed as part of the SDK." resource 'completion' do url '' sha1 '6dfead9b1350dbe1c16a1c80ed70beedebfa39eb' end # Version of the android-build-tools the wrapper scripts reference. def build_tools_version "19.0.3" end def install prefix.install 'tools', 'SDK Readme.txt' => 'README' %w[android apkbuilder ddms dmtracedump draw9patch etc1tool emulator emulator-arm emulator-x86 hierarchyviewer hprof-conv lint mksdcard monitor monkeyrunner traceview zipalign].each do |tool| (bin/tool).write <<-EOS.undent #!/bin/bash TOOL="#{prefix}/tools/#{tool}" exec "$TOOL" "$@" EOS end # this is data that should be preserved across upgrades, but the Android # SDK isn't too smart, so we still have to symlink it back into its tree. %w[platforms samples temp add-ons sources system-images extras].each do |d| src = var/"lib/android-sdk"/d src.mkpath prefix.install_symlink src end %w[adb fastboot].each do |platform_tool| (bin/platform_tool).write <<-EOS.undent #!/bin/bash PLATFORM_TOOL="#{prefix}/platform-tools/#{platform_tool}" test -x "$PLATFORM_TOOL" && exec "$PLATFORM_TOOL" "$@" echo "It appears you do not have 'Android SDK Platform-tools' installed." echo "Use the 'android' tool to install them: " echo " android update sdk --no-ui --filter 'platform-tools'" EOS end %w[aapt aidl dexdump dx llvm-rs-cc].each do |build_tool| (bin/build_tool).write <<-EOS.undent #!/bin/bash BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION='#{build_tools_version}' BUILD_TOOL="#{prefix}/build-tools/$BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION/#{build_tool}" test -x "$BUILD_TOOL" && exec "$BUILD_TOOL" "$@" echo "It appears you do not have 'build-tools-$BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION' installed." echo "Use the 'android' tool to install them: " echo " android update sdk --no-ui --filter 'build-tools-$BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION'" EOS end bash_completion.install resource('completion').files('adb.bash' => 'adb-completion.bash') end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Now run the 'android' tool to install the actual SDK stuff. The Android-SDK location for IDEs such as Eclipse, IntelliJ etc is: #{prefix} You will have to install the platform-tools and docs EVERY time this formula updates. If you want to try and fix this then see the comment in this formula. You may need to add the following to your .bashrc: export ANDROID_HOME=#{opt_prefix} EOS end # The 'android' tool insists on deleting #{prefix}/platform-tools # and then installing the new one. So it is impossible for us to redirect # the SDK location to var so that the platform-tools don't have to be # freshly installed EVERY DANG time the base SDK updates. # Ideas: make android a script that calls the actual android tool, but after # that tool exits it repairs the directory locations? end