class Stk < Formula desc "Sound Synthesis Toolkit" homepage "" url "" sha256 "e77ba3c80cdd93ca02c34098b9b7f918df3d648c87f1ed5d94fe854debd6d101" livecheck do url "" regex(/href=.*?stk[._-]v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)\.t/i) end bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "3cbeef8a18f26bf9c0d988e40f1aea3fae9695e99644cd7253dd13ef340c37a5" => :catalina sha256 "44cd735483145a0f969ab412cd0540ed7936512afb1c902bd9b7258e530d60a4" => :mojave sha256 "22823e8c4cf694fabeea049a0a0debf38b3be79de73f6ac62a65a9fe45bec93c" => :high_sierra sha256 "fbf3f82768d3ea1a8f6b60dd593e838beb05c3529c3a89b4ecb743a53e26d7b6" => :sierra end depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build def install system "autoreconf", "-fiv" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--disable-debug" system "make" lib.install "src/libstk.a" bin.install "bin/treesed" (include/"stk").install Dir["include/*"] doc.install Dir["doc/*"] pkgshare.install "src", "projects", "rawwaves" end def caveats <<~EOS The header files have been put in a standard search path, it is possible to use an include statement in programs as follows: #include \"stk/FileLoop.h\" #include \"stk/FileWvOut.h\" src/ projects/ and rawwaves/ have all been copied to #{opt_pkgshare} EOS end test do assert_equal "xx No input files", shell_output("#{bin}/treesed", 1).chomp end end