class Arangodb < Formula desc "The Multi-Model NoSQL Database" homepage "" url "" sha256 "241800d5641da962806cdd0248f508bbf5cb6bcf97dfa51d0a2e7848879b9ddb" license "Apache-2.0" revision 1 head "", branch: "devel" bottle do sha256 "6b9299f984eb8a25709c7178d52d3c1e19f39adf5d71f6406a2aed283b8ce406" => :catalina sha256 "1eabd6b8b72d6375f00ce0570ccb0d76f383c285a8019e3426d0273876b0bd9c" => :mojave end depends_on "ccache" => :build depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "go@1.13" => :build depends_on "python@3.8" => :build depends_on macos: :mojave depends_on "openssl@1.1" # the ArangoStarter is in a separate github repository; # it is used to easily start single server and clusters # with a unified CLI resource "starter" do url "", tag: "0.14.15", revision: "e32307e9ae5a0046214cb066355a8577e6fc4148" end def install ENV["MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = MacOS.version resource("starter").stage do ENV["GO111MODULE"] = "on" ENV["DOCKERCLI"] = "" # use commit-id as projectBuild commit = `git rev-parse HEAD`.chomp system "make", "deps" ldflags = %W[ -s -w -X main.projectVersion=#{resource("starter").version} -X main.projectBuild=#{commit} ] system "go", "build", *std_go_args, "-ldflags", ldflags.join(" "), "" end mkdir "build" do openssl = Formula["openssl@1.1"] args = std_cmake_args + %W[ -DHOMEBREW=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DUSE_MAINTAINER_MODE=Off -DUSE_JEMALLOC=Off -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=On -DOPENSSL_USE_STATIC_LIBS=On -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=#{openssl.opt_lib} -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=#{openssl.opt_lib} -DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=#{MacOS.version} -DTARGET_ARCHITECTURE=nehalem -DUSE_CATCH_TESTS=Off -DUSE_GOOGLE_TESTS=Off -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALSTATEDIR=#{var} ] ENV["V8_CXXFLAGS"] = "-O3 -g -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks" if ENV.compiler == "gcc-6" system "cmake", "..", *args system "make", "install" end end def post_install (var/"lib/arangodb3").mkpath (var/"log/arangodb3").mkpath end def caveats <<~EOS An empty password has been set. Please change it by executing #{opt_sbin}/arango-secure-installation EOS end plist_options manual: "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/arangodb/sbin/arangod" def plist <<~EOS KeepAlive Label #{plist_name} Program #{opt_sbin}/arangod RunAtLoad EOS end test do require "pty" testcase = "require('@arangodb').print('it works!')" output = shell_output("#{bin}/arangosh --server.password \"\" --javascript.execute-string \"#{testcase}\"") assert_equal "it works!", output.chomp ohai "#{bin}/arangodb --starter.instance-up-timeout 1m --starter.mode single" PTY.spawn("#{bin}/arangodb", "--starter.instance-up-timeout", "1m", "--starter.mode", "single", "--starter.disable-ipv6", "--server.arangod", "#{sbin}/arangod", "--server.js-dir", "#{share}/arangodb3/js") do |r, _, pid| loop do available =[r], [], [], 60) assert_not_equal available, nil line = r.readline.strip ohai line break if line.include?("Your single server can now be accessed") end ensure Process.kill "SIGINT", pid ohai "shuting down #{pid}" end end end