require 'formula' class Hive < Formula homepage '' url '' md5 '9aca92b683da8955aca3beb5a438d2f9' depends_on 'hadoop' def shim_script target <<-EOS.undent #!/bin/bash exec "#{libexec}/bin/#{target}" "$@" EOS end def install rm_f Dir["bin/*.bat"] libexec.install %w[bin conf examples lib ] libexec.install Dir['*.jar'] bin.mkpath Dir["#{libexec}/bin/*"].each do |b| n = (bin+n).write shim_script(n) end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Hadoop must be in your path for hive executable to work. After installation, set $HIVE_HOME in your profile: export HIVE_HOME=#{libexec} You may need to set JAVA_HOME: export JAVA_HOME="$(/usr/libexec/java_home)" EOS end end