require 'formula' class IscDhcp < Formula homepage '' url '' sha256 'd3baabef27fc006e1ce1c4e3d03d7e5c4b6a34d5a2f45fa47d69235ed25ad420' version '4.2.4-P1' def install # use one dir under var for all runtime state. dhcpd_dir = var+'dhcpd' # Change the locations of various files to match Homebrew # we pass these in through CFLAGS since some cannot be changed # via configure args. path_opts = { '_PATH_DHCPD_CONF' => etc+'dhcpd.conf', '_PATH_DHCLIENT_CONF' => etc+'dhclient.conf', '_PATH_DHCPD_DB' => dhcpd_dir+'dhcpd.leases', '_PATH_DHCPD6_DB' => dhcpd_dir+'dhcpd6.leases', '_PATH_DHCLIENT_DB' => dhcpd_dir+'dhclient.leases', '_PATH_DHCLIENT6_DB' => dhcpd_dir+'dhclient6.leases', '_PATH_DHCPD_PID' => dhcpd_dir+'', '_PATH_DHCPD6_PID' => dhcpd_dir+'', '_PATH_DHCLIENT_PID' => dhcpd_dir+'', '_PATH_DHCLIENT6_PID' => dhcpd_dir+'', '_PATH_DHCRELAY_PID' => dhcpd_dir+'', '_PATH_DHCRELAY6_PID' => dhcpd_dir+'', } path_opts.each do |symbol,path| ENV.append 'CFLAGS', "-D#{symbol}='\"#{path}\"'" end # See discussion at: if 10.7 <= MACOS_VERSION ENV.append 'CFLAGS', "-D__APPLE_USE_RFC_3542" end system './configure', "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--localstatedir=#{dhcpd_dir}" # the 'bind' subdirectory doesn't like overly parallel builds # so build it sequentially. deparallelizing the whole build # can be slow. previous_makeflags = ENV['MAKEFLAGS'] ENV.deparallelize system 'make -C bind' ENV['MAKEFLAGS'] = previous_makeflags # build everything else inreplace 'Makefile', 'SUBDIRS = bind', 'SUBDIRS = ' system 'make' system 'make install' # rename all the installed sample etc/* files so they don't clobber # any existing config files at symlink time.'etc') do |dir| dir.each do |f| file = "#{dir.path}/#{f}" File.rename(file, "#{file}.sample") if File.stat(file).file? end end # create the state dir and lease files else dhcpd will not start up. dhcpd_dir.mkpath %w(dhcpd dhcpd6 dhclient dhclient6).each do |f| file = "#{dhcpd_dir}/#{f}.leases", File::CREAT|File::RDONLY).close end # sample launchd plists plist_path.write dhcpd_plist plist_path.chmod 0644 (prefix+'homebrew.mxcl.dhcpd6.plist').write dhcpd6_plist (prefix+'homebrew.mxcl.dhcpd6.plist').chmod 0644 end def caveats <<-EOCAVEATS.undent This install of dhcpd expects config files to be in #{etc}. All state files (leases and pids) are stored in #{var}/dhcpd. Dhcpd needs to run as root since it listens on privileged ports. Sample launchd plists to achieve this have been provided at: #{plist_path} and: #{prefix}/homebrew.mxcl.dhcpd6.plist There are two plists because a single dhcpd process may do either DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 but not both. Use one or both as needed. Copy the plists to /Library/LaunchDaemons and start the services with cd /Library/LaunchDaemons launchctl load -w #{plist_path.basename} launchctl load -w homebrew.mxcl.dhcpd6.plist Note that you must create the appropriate config files before starting the services or dhcpd will refuse to run. DHCPv4: #{etc}/dhcpd.conf DHCPv6: #{etc}/dhcpd6.conf Sample config files may be found in #{etc}. If you change the config, restart dhcpd with one or both of launchctl stop #{plist_name} launchctl stop homebrew.mxcl.dhcpd6 EOCAVEATS end def dhcpd_plist <<-EOPLIST.undent Label#{plist_name} ProgramArguments #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/sbin/dhcpd -f Disabled KeepAlive RunAtLoad LowPriorityIO EOPLIST end def dhcpd6_plist <<-EOPLIST.undent Label#{plist_name} ProgramArguments #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/sbin/dhcpd -f -6 -cf #{etc}/dhcpd6.conf Disabled KeepAlive RunAtLoad LowPriorityIO EOPLIST end end