require 'formula' class Metasploit < Formula homepage '' url "" sha1 'b9d6dbe54b23448da9a939cf3e1f95cb7dc0e363' head "", :using => :svn # Metasploit's tarball comes with a full .svn checkout. # Don't clean these folders, so users can "svn up" to update # metasploit in-place, which apparently is standard for this project. skip_clean :all def install libexec.install Dir['.svn','armitage','HACKING',"msf*",'data','documentation','external','lib','modules','plugins','scripts','test','tools'] bin.install_symlink Dir["#{libexec}/msf*","#{libexec}/armitage"] end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Metasploit can be updated in-place by doing: cd `brew --prefix metasploit`/libexec/ svn up EOS end end