require 'formula' class Vnstat < Formula homepage '' url '' md5 'a5a113f9176cd61fb954f2ba297f5fdb' def install inreplace "src/cfg.c", '/etc/vnstat.conf', "#{etc}/vnstat.conf" inreplace "man/vnstat.1" do |s| s.gsub! '/etc/vnstat.conf', "#{etc}/vnstat.conf" s.gsub! '/var/lib/vnstat', "#{var}/db/vnstat" end inreplace "man/vnstat.conf.5", '/etc/vnstat.conf', "#{etc}/vnstat.conf" inreplace "cfg/vnstat.conf" do |c| c.gsub! 'DatabaseDir "/var/lib/vnstat"', %Q{DatabaseDir "#{var}/db/vnstat"} c.gsub! 'LogFile "/var/log/vnstat.log"', %Q{LogFile "#{var}/log/vnstat.log"} c.gsub! 'PidFile "/var/run/"', %Q{PidFile "#{var}/run/"} end (var+'db/vnstat').mkpath (var+'spool/vnstat').mkpath system "make", "-C", "src", "CFLAGS=#{ENV.cflags}", "CC=#{}" (prefix+'etc').install "cfg/vnstat.conf" bin.install "src/vnstat", "src/vnstatd" man1.install "man/vnstat.1", "man/vnstatd.1" man5.install "man/vnstat.conf.5" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent To setup vnstat, run `vnstat -u -i en0' (replace en0 with the network interface you wish to monitor). You must then create a cron job to update the vnstat database. Run `crontab -e' and add the following: 0-55/5 * * * * if [ -x #{bin}/vnstat ] && [ `ls #{var}/db/vnstat/ | wc -l` -ge 1 ]; then #{bin}/vnstat -u; fi EOS end end