require 'formula' class Sleepwatcher < Formula homepage '' url '' md5 '2a9235c7da4ad4ed9fb3181203849ded' def install # Adjust Makefile to build native binary only inreplace "sources/Makefile" do |s| s.gsub! /^(CFLAGS)_PPC.*$/, "\\1 = #{ENV.cflags} -prebind" s.gsub! /^(CFLAGS_X86)/, "#\\1" s.change_make_var! "BINDIR", "$(PREFIX)/sbin" s.change_make_var! "MANDIR", "$(PREFIX)/share/man" s.gsub! /^(.*?)CFLAGS_PPC(.*?)[.]ppc/, "\\1CFLAGS\\2" s.gsub! /^(.*?CFLAGS_X86.*?[.]x86)/, "#\\1" s.gsub! /^(\t(lipo|rm).*?[.](ppc|x86))/, "#\\1" s.gsub! "-o root -g wheel", "" end # Build and install binary cd "sources" do system "mv", "../sleepwatcher.8", "." system "make", "install", "PREFIX=#{prefix}" end # Write the usage ReadMe prefix.install "ReadMe.rtf" # Write the sleep/wakeup scripts (prefix + 'etc/sleepwatcher').install Dir["config/rc.*"] # Write the launchd scripts inreplace Dir["config/*.plist"] do |s| s.gsub! "/etc", (etc + 'sleepwatcher') s.gsub! "/usr/local/sbin", (HOMEBREW_PREFIX + 'sbin') end prefix.install Dir["config/*.plist"] end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent For SleepWatcher to work, you will need to read the following: #{prefix}/ReadMe.rtf Ignore information about installing the binary and man page, but read information regarding setup of the launchd files which are installed here: #{Dir[(prefix + '*.plist')].join("\n ")} These are the examples provided by the author. EOS end end