require 'formula' class EucjpMecabIpadic < Requirement fatal true def initialize @mecab_ipadic_installed = Formula.factory('mecab-ipadic').installed? end satisfy { @mecab_ipadic_installed && mecab_dic_charset == 'euc' } def message if @mecab_ipadic_installed <<-EOS.undent Hyper Estraier supports only the EUC-JP version of MeCab-IPADIC. However, you have installed the #{mecab_dic_charset} version so far. You have to reinstall your mecab-ipadic package manually with the --with-charset=euc option before resuming the hyperestraier installation, or you have to build hyperestraier without MeCab support. To reinstall your mecab-ipadic and resume the hyperestraier installation: $ brew uninstall mecab-ipadic $ brew install mecab-ipadic --with-charset=euc $ brew install hyperestraier --enable-mecab To build hyperestraier without MeCab support: $ brew install hyperestraier EOS else <<-EOS.undent An EUC-JP version of MeCab-IPADIC is required. You have to install your mecab-ipadic package manually with the --with-charset=euc option before resuming the hyperestraier installation, or you have to build hyperestraier without MeCab support. To install an EUC-JP version of mecab-ipadic and resume the hyperestraier installation: $ brew install mecab-ipadic --with-charset=euc $ brew install hyperestraier --enable-mecab To build hyperestraier without MeCab support: $ brew install hyperestraier EOS end end def mecab_dic_charset /^charset:\t(\S+)$/ =~ `mecab -D` && $1 end end class Hyperestraier < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '1094686f457070323083ecf4f89665c564a0c5f0' option 'enable-mecab', 'Include MeCab support' depends_on 'qdbm' if build.include? 'enable-mecab' depends_on 'mecab' depends_on 'mecab-ipadic' depends_on EucjpMecabIpadic end def install args = %W[ --disable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} ] args << '--enable-mecab' if build.include? 'enable-mecab' system "./configure", *args system "make mac" system "make check-mac" system "make install-mac" end test do system "#{bin}/estcmd", "version" end end