require 'formula' class Neko < Formula homepage '' url '', :revision => '6ab8f48a8dc62e4d917b599b3d8c8e10f764f839' version '2.0.0-6ab8f48' head '' depends_on 'bdw-gc' depends_on 'pcre' def install # Build requires targets to be built in specific order ENV.deparallelize system "make", "os=osx", "LIB_PREFIX=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}", "INSTALL_FLAGS=" include.install Dir['vm/neko*.h'] neko = lib/'neko' neko.install Dir['bin/*'] # Symlink into bin so libneko.dylib resolves correctly for custom prefix bin.mkpath %w(neko nekoc nekoml nekotools).each do |file| (bin/file).make_relative_symlink(neko/file) end (lib/'libneko.dylib').make_relative_symlink(neko/'libneko.dylib') end test do ENV["NEKOPATH"] = "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/neko" system "#{bin}/neko", "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/neko/test.n" end def caveats s = '' if HOMEBREW_PREFIX.to_s != '/usr/local' s << <<-EOS.undent You must add the following line to your .bashrc or equivalent: export NEKOPATH="#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/neko" EOS end s end end