class ManDb < Formula desc "Unix documentation system" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "2eabaa5251349847de9c9e43c634d986cbcc6f87642d1d9cb8608ec18487b6cc" license "GPL-2.0-or-later" livecheck do url "" regex(/href=.*?man-db[._-]v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)\.t/i) end bottle do sha256 arm64_ventura: "cdcde7118e97b5f3c887c428de68a2028a26cc452de78971dbcf48cc0608b7a9" sha256 arm64_monterey: "091ef85f9ead9918704ed11dafb1e47c75353e2ad2cc9fb0734778d2af77257a" sha256 arm64_big_sur: "2813a0a078e8f7bfa54ede44e7b7ac78b52ad9985bb176d1e8ff3201f3b7c13f" sha256 ventura: "cb41bceffbded2f753f8a5a244db5dc19b1b2410ebec867e0f0de995c0cfbb9b" sha256 monterey: "8a153ba7e269e34ce36ffe7e9fe2c9b6d5587dfa00232472a9154bf770f375c3" sha256 big_sur: "f9ed6e200a6d53908c5cdfbcb17da39de9286bca99faf9b5e89d698c7c7d7cd6" sha256 catalina: "56bf6723559d403435f3e1c6c28e7969115e78650bdc07f95c60d3955e9b55eb" sha256 x86_64_linux: "2d5b3235fc825e788d7285d652b1bf6bb6adb3839d3e48abac9a98c649e0e1bd" end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "groff" depends_on "libpipeline" uses_from_macos "zlib" on_linux do depends_on "gdbm" end def install man_db_conf = etc/"man_db.conf" args = %W[ --disable-silent-rules --disable-cache-owner --disable-setuid --disable-nls --program-prefix=g --localstatedir=#{var} --with-config-file=#{man_db_conf} --with-systemdtmpfilesdir=#{etc}/tmpfiles.d --with-systemdsystemunitdir=#{etc}/systemd/system ] system "./configure", *args, *std_configure_args system "make", "install" # Use Homebrew's `var` directory instead of `/var`. inreplace man_db_conf, "/var", var # Symlink commands without 'g' prefix into libexec/bin and # man pages into libexec/man %w[apropos catman lexgrog man mandb manpath whatis].each do |cmd| (libexec/"bin").install_symlink bin/"g#{cmd}" => cmd end (libexec/"sbin").install_symlink sbin/"gaccessdb" => "accessdb" %w[apropos lexgrog man manconv manpath whatis zsoelim].each do |cmd| (libexec/"man"/"man1").install_symlink man1/"g#{cmd}.1" => "#{cmd}.1" end (libexec/"man"/"man5").install_symlink man5/"gmanpath.5" => "manpath.5" %w[accessdb catman mandb].each do |cmd| (libexec/"man"/"man8").install_symlink man8/"g#{cmd}.8" => "#{cmd}.8" end # Symlink non-conflicting binaries and man pages %w[catman lexgrog mandb].each do |cmd| bin.install_symlink "g#{cmd}" => cmd end sbin.install_symlink "gaccessdb" => "accessdb" %w[accessdb catman mandb].each do |cmd| man8.install_symlink "g#{cmd}.8" => "#{cmd}.8" end man1.install_symlink "glexgrog.1" => "lexgrog.1" end def caveats <<~EOS Commands also provided by macOS have been installed with the prefix "g". If you need to use these commands with their normal names, you can add a "bin" directory to your PATH from your bashrc like: PATH="#{opt_libexec}/bin:$PATH" EOS end test do ENV["PAGER"] = "cat" if OS.mac? output = shell_output("#{bin}/gman true") assert_match "BSD General Commands Manual", output assert_match(/The true utility always returns with (an )?exit code (of )?zero/, output) else output = shell_output("#{bin}/gman gman") assert_match "gman - an interface to the system reference manuals", output assert_match "", output end end end