class Asimov < Formula desc "Automatically exclude development dependencies from Time Machine backups" homepage "" url "" sha256 "77a0ef09c86d9d6ff146547902c749c43bc054f331a12ecb9992db9673469fab" license "MIT" head "", branch: "develop" bottle do sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, all: "241f2672b244e0f6913abab7ab03d52d2f757d9bf1d384f79e880753e0ade64d" end def install bin.install buildpath/"asimov" end # Asimov will run in the background on a daily basis service do run opt_bin/"asimov" run_type :interval require_root true interval 86400 # 24 hours = 60 * 60 * 24 end test do assert_match "Finding dependency directories with corresponding definition files…", shell_output("#{bin}/asimov") end end