require 'formula' class Emacs23Installed < Requirement fatal true env :userpaths default_formula 'emacs' satisfy do `emacs --version 2>/dev/null` =~ /^GNU Emacs (\d{2})/ $1.to_i >= 23 end end class Mu < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '45feb511fecf8b306c87a42f3a84858ac442642c' head '' option 'with-emacs', 'Build with emacs support' depends_on 'autoconf' => :build depends_on 'automake' => :build depends_on 'libtool' => :build depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'gettext' depends_on 'glib' depends_on 'gmime' depends_on 'xapian' depends_on Emacs23Installed if build.with? 'emacs' env :std if build.with? 'emacs' def install # Explicitly tell the build not to include emacs support as the version # shipped by default with Mac OS X is too old. ENV['EMACS'] = 'no' if build.without? 'emacs' # I dunno. # # ENV.delete 'MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' system 'autoreconf', '-ivf' system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-gui=none" system "make" system "make test" system "make install" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Existing mu users are recommended to run the following after upgrading: mu index --rebuild EOS end end