require 'formula' class LuaRequirement < Requirement fatal true default_formula 'lua' satisfy { which 'lua' } end class Gnuplot < Formula homepage '' url '' sha256 'df5ffafa25fb32b3ecc0206a520f6bca8680e6dcc961efd30df34c0a1b7ea7f5' head do url 'cvs://' depends_on :autoconf depends_on :automake depends_on :libtool end option 'pdf', 'Build the PDF terminal using pdflib-lite' option 'wx', 'Build the wxWidgets terminal using pango' option 'with-x', 'Build the X11 terminal' option 'qt', 'Build the Qt4 terminal' option 'cairo', 'Build the Cairo based terminals' option 'nolua', 'Build without the lua/TikZ terminal' option 'nogd', 'Build without gd support' option 'tests', 'Verify the build with make check (1 min)' option 'without-emacs', 'Do not build Emacs lisp files' option 'latex', 'Build with LaTeX support' option 'without-aquaterm', 'Do not build AquaTerm support' depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on LuaRequirement unless build.include? 'nolua' depends_on 'readline' depends_on 'pango' if build.include? 'cairo' or build.include? 'wx' depends_on :x11 if build.include? 'with-x' or MacOS::X11.installed? depends_on 'pdflib-lite' if build.include? 'pdf' depends_on 'gd' unless build.include? 'nogd' depends_on 'wxmac' if build.include? 'wx' depends_on 'qt' if build.include? 'qt' depends_on :tex if build.include? 'latex' def install if build.with? "aquaterm" # Add "/Library/Frameworks" to the default framework search path, so that an # installed AquaTerm framework can be found. Brew does not add this path # when building against an SDK (Nov 2013). ENV.prepend "CPPFLAGS", "-F/Library/Frameworks" ENV.prepend "LDFLAGS", "-F/Library/Frameworks" unless build.head? # Fix up Gnuplot v4.6.x to accommodate framework style linking. This is # required with a standard install of AquaTerm 1.1.1 and is supported under # earlier versions of AquaTerm. Refer: # # inreplace "configure", "-laquaterm", "-framework AquaTerm" inreplace "term/aquaterm.trm", "", "" end elsif !build.head? inreplace "configure", "-laquaterm", "" end # Help configure find libraries readline = Formula.factory 'readline' pdflib = Formula.factory 'pdflib-lite' gd = Formula.factory 'gd' args = %W[ --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} --with-readline=#{readline.opt_prefix} ] args << "--with-pdf=#{pdflib.opt_prefix}" if build.include? 'pdf' args << '--with' + ((build.include? 'nogd') ? 'out-gd' : "-gd=#{gd.opt_prefix}") args << '--disable-wxwidgets' unless build.include? 'wx' args << '--without-cairo' unless build.include? 'cairo' args << '--enable-qt' if build.include? 'qt' args << '--without-lua' if build.include? 'nolua' args << '--without-lisp-files' if build.include? 'without-emacs' args << (build.with?('aquaterm') ? '--with-aquaterm' : '--without-aquaterm') if build.include? 'latex' args << '--with-latex' args << '--with-tutorial' else args << '--without-latex' args << '--without-tutorial' end system './prepare' if build.head? system "./configure", *args ENV.j1 # or else emacs tries to edit the same file with two threads system 'make' system 'make check' if build.include? 'tests' # Awesome testsuite system "make install" end def test system "#{bin}/gnuplot", "--version" end def caveats if build.with? "aquaterm" <<-EOS.undent AquaTerm support will only be built into Gnuplot if the standard AquaTerm package from SourceForge has already been installed onto your system. If you subsequently remove AquaTerm, you will need to uninstall and then reinstall Gnuplot. EOS end end end