class Gtkx < Formula desc "GUI toolkit" homepage "" url "" sha256 "ac2ac757f5942d318a311a54b0c80b5ef295f299c2a73c632f6bfb1ff49cc6da" license "LGPL-2.0-or-later" revision 1 # From # "It does mean, however, that GTK 2 has reached the end of its life. # We will do one final 2.x release in the coming days, and we encourage # everybody to port their GTK 2 applications to GTK 3 or 4." # # TODO: Deprecate and remove livecheck once `gtk+` has no active dependents livecheck do skip "GTK 2 was declared end of life in 2020-12" end bottle do sha256 arm64_ventura: "09d870f69784624a4585fd4778d622441689350d4ef444f658e5e8be0edb644c" sha256 arm64_monterey: "9c86b442ae42c6842b04c5f2fba9014cf92da4ce1b6730821d400b1549fb9c4c" sha256 arm64_big_sur: "7f1fa14922a06171f2827daa56e7973721de2257a7920e8091081fedb641d63b" sha256 ventura: "336771ce80cf6413d18c87666abf8ff030faf96a8530c1f5e4185184d80d791b" sha256 monterey: "b9e663b0c11f3fbd74d92aacf6246202b600dc4346de26f43516d1531d88b60b" sha256 big_sur: "3eb689a0bf93bff2991160daa62cd31bea4ee77791ae216f2d6b30d5305ce6b4" sha256 x86_64_linux: "3ccb9319c9550fd10cedb09ef7cfc51ed8ffd71b1698aa66d143d83f5c1b895a" end depends_on "gobject-introspection" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => [:build, :test] depends_on "atk" depends_on "gdk-pixbuf" depends_on "hicolor-icon-theme" depends_on "pango" on_linux do depends_on "cairo" depends_on "libxcomposite" depends_on "libxcursor" depends_on "libxdamage" depends_on "libxfixes" depends_on "libxinerama" depends_on "libxrandr" end # Fix -flat_namespace being used on Big Sur and later. patch do url "" sha256 "35acd6aebc19843f1a2b3a63e880baceb0f5278ab1ace661e57a502d9d78c93c" end # Patch to allow Eiffel Studio to run in Cocoa / non-X11 mode, as well as Freeciv's freeciv-gtk2 client # See: # - # referenced from # - # referenced from # - # - Homebrew/homebrew-games#278 patch do url "" sha256 "ce5adf1a019ac7ed2a999efb65cfadeae50f5de8663638c7f765f8764aa7d931" end def backend backend = "quartz" on_linux do backend = "x11" end backend end def install system "./configure", *std_configure_args, "--disable-silent-rules", "--enable-static", "--disable-glibtest", "--enable-introspection=yes", "--with-gdktarget=#{backend}", "--disable-visibility" system "make", "install" inreplace bin/"gtk-builder-convert", %r{^#!/usr/bin/env python$}, "#!/usr/bin/python" # Prevent a conflict between this and `gtk+3` libexec.install bin/"gtk-update-icon-cache" bin.install_symlink libexec/"gtk-update-icon-cache" => "gtk2-update-icon-cache" end def caveats <<~EOS To avoid a conflict with `gtk+3` formula, `gtk-update-icon-cache` is installed at #{opt_libexec}/gtk-update-icon-cache A versioned symlink `gtk2-update-icon-cache` is linked for convenience. EOS end test do (testpath/"test.c").write <<~EOS #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { GtkWidget *label = gtk_label_new("Hello World!"); return 0; } EOS flags = shell_output("pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0").chomp.split system, "test.c", "-o", "test", *flags system "./test" end end