class Nvi < Formula desc "44BSD re-implementation of vi" homepage "" url "" sha256 "8bc348889159a34cf268f80720b26f459dbd723b5616107d36739d007e4c978d" license "BSD-3-Clause" revision 6 bottle do sha256 arm64_ventura: "aa6ba856388d331dce1cec171db093a6846d349d3b0013bd08c3331d9d6f09f1" sha256 arm64_monterey: "4172bb7673685b0e0f569ad84edbe4d568c152b419678e6146f539accd243c80" sha256 arm64_big_sur: "0c504c79f2fd0be54ce31ee4236a1d9fb4d9e5d8f33fab07305e1acd9c4740de" sha256 cellar: :any, ventura: "c7836fbb451c44095dec64bb0cac55e1b95829cca063201988a45eee538fcd09" sha256 cellar: :any, monterey: "4bbbf70becf3cfa52340027bb81f0b39b8071638dcb9f042cf314bee7a8feeac" sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "692b129c29e7018565decb9c3ece80c020028549eb571d638851bb0e8647b0d8" sha256 cellar: :any, catalina: "9443eb6edf1377a25a506245df2a20c0d2a7365d71eee720bb7152052b96d3e6" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "d8eb6c0c8a8eef36a09bf55e35ced6d2e2afb4d75a70d93d96e88d9cbd5c4b56" end depends_on "xz" => :build # Homebrew bug. Shouldn't need declaring explicitly. depends_on "berkeley-db@5" uses_from_macos "ncurses" on_macos do depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build end # Patches per MacPorts # The first corrects usage of BDB flags. patch :p0 do url "" sha256 "d6c67a129cec0108a0c90fd649d79de65099dc627b10967a1fad51656f519800" end patch :p0 do url "" sha256 "674adb27810da8f6342ffc912a54375af0ed7769bfa524dce01600165f78a63b" end patch :p0 do url "" sha256 "742c4578319ddc07b0b86482b4f2b86125026f200749e07c6d2ac67976204728" end # Upstream have been pretty inactive for a while, so we may want to kill this # formula at some point unless that changes. We're leaning hard on Debian now. patch do url "" sha256 "306c6059d386a161b9884535f0243134c8c9b5b15648e09e595fd1b349a7b9e1" apply "patches/03db4.patch", "patches/19include_term_h.patch", "patches/24fallback_to_dumb_term.patch", "patches/26trailing_tab_segv.patch", "patches/27support_C_locale.patch", "patches/31regex_heap_overflow.patch" end def install cd "dist" do # Run autoreconf on macOS to rebuild configure script so that it doesn't try # to build with a flat namespace. if OS.mac? # These files must be present for autoreconf to work. %w[AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS README].each { |f| touch f } system "autoreconf", "--force", "--verbose", "--install" end # Xcode 12 needs the "-Wno-implicit-function-declaration" to compile successfully # The usual trick of setting $CFLAGS in the environment doesn't work for this # configure file though, but specifying an explicit CC setting does system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--program-prefix=n", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "CC=" + + " -Wno-implicit-function-declaration" system "make" ENV.deparallelize system "make", "install" end end test do (testpath/"test").write("This is toto!\n") pipe_output("#{bin}/nvi -e test", "%s/toto/tutu/g\nwq\n") assert_equal "This is tutu!\n","test") end end