require 'formula' class OpenOcd < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '10bf9eeb54e03083cb1a101785b2d69fbdf18f31' head do url 'git://' depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build depends_on "texinfo" => :build end option 'without-hidapi', 'Disable building support for devices using HIDAPI (CMSIS-DAP)' option 'without-libftdi', 'Disable building support for libftdi-based drivers (USB-Blaster, ASIX Presto, OpenJTAG)' option 'without-libusb', 'Disable building support for all other USB adapters' depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'libusb' => :recommended # some drivers are still not converted to libusb-1.0 depends_on 'libusb-compat' if build.with? 'libusb' depends_on 'libftdi' => :recommended depends_on 'hidapi' => :recommended def install # all the libusb and hidapi-based drivers are auto-enabled when # the corresponding libraries are present in the system args = %W[ --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} --enable-dummy --enable-buspirate --enable-jtag_vpi --enable-remote-bitbang ] if build.with? "libftdi" args << "--enable-usb_blaster_libftdi" args << "--enable-presto_libftdi" args << "--enable-openjtag_ftdi" args << "--enable-legacy-ft2232_libftdi" end ENV['CCACHE'] = 'none' system "./bootstrap", "nosubmodule" if build.head? system "./configure", *args system "make install" end end