require 'formula' # jless (Jam Less) is Japan-ized Less. # jless supports ISO 2022 code extension techniques and Japanese codes. class Jless < Formula homepage '' url '' version '382+iso262+ext03' sha1 '3c3f1ae0bf18039b047524ff0f573ef514bcc944' def patches # These will emerge from the debian patch zip iso_patches = ['less-382-iso258.dpatch', 'less-382-iso258-259.dpatch', 'less-382-iso259-260.dpatch', 'less-382-iso260-261.dpatch', 'less-382-iso261-262.dpatch'].collect {|p| "debian/patches/#{p}"} p = [ # Debian patches '', *iso_patches ] # See: # Must come after the Debian patches p << '' return p end def install system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--mandir=#{man}" system "make install binprefix=j manprefix=j" end def caveats "You may need to set the environment variable 'JLESSCHARSET' to japanese-utf8" end end