class GoAT116 < Formula desc "Go programming environment (1.16)" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "90a08c689279e35f3865ba510998c33a63255c36089b3ec206c912fc0568c3d3" license "BSD-3-Clause" bottle do sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_monterey: "d0500786661f7cddfc20403a9daa9af648404e0564363783fb7d9fc44e884fe3" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_big_sur: "5dcd84f44f1231cf1d32cbe6ca5d5f158de11efe7ea24b1ae24b4ede68cc6361" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, monterey: "b57fe6d2c36ea1529189bd3b7c9687a17c5b66660843f8f8db80b3a437693743" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, big_sur: "2ba14df4f397d33f51bc22b9da40f07836990e6eb2e876aba96f3da82e12babe" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, catalina: "80d62cf6ed5b2fedfd714b1f02e7bb660a23d6f061f7ecdfdbbdf0257072401f" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "aaee729abff3f20350c5af642bea0e39257fe077dde752873f8539fbfed874d9" end keg_only :versioned_formula # Original date: 2022-03-15 # The date below was adjusted to match `kubernetes-cli@1.22`. deprecate! date: "2022-08-28", because: :unsupported depends_on "go" => :build def install ENV["GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP"] = Formula["go"].opt_libexec cd "src" do ENV["GOROOT_FINAL"] = libexec system "./make.bash", "--no-clean" end (buildpath/"pkg/obj").rmtree libexec.install Dir["*"] bin.install_symlink Dir[libexec/"bin/go*"] system bin/"go", "install", "-race", "std" # Remove useless files. # Breaks patchelf because folder contains weird debug/test files (libexec/"src/debug/elf/testdata").rmtree # Binaries built for an incompatible architecture (libexec/"src/runtime/pprof/testdata").rmtree end test do (testpath/"hello.go").write <<~EOS package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello World") } EOS # Run go fmt check for no errors then run the program. # This is a a bare minimum of go working as it uses fmt, build, and run. system bin/"go", "fmt", "hello.go" assert_equal "Hello World\n", shell_output("#{bin}/go run hello.go") ENV["GOOS"] = "freebsd" ENV["GOARCH"] = ? "amd64" : Hardware::CPU.arch.to_s system bin/"go", "build", "hello.go" end end