require 'formula' class Ice < Formula url '' homepage '' md5 '3aae42aa47dec74bb258c1a1b2847a1a' depends_on 'berkeley-db' depends_on 'mcpp' def patches # Patch for Ice-3.4.1 to work with Berkely DB 5.X. "" end def options [ ['--doc', 'Install documentation'], ['--demo', 'Build demos'] ] end def install ENV.O2 inreplace "cpp/config/Make.rules" do |s| s.gsub! "#OPTIMIZE", "OPTIMIZE" s.gsub! "/opt/Ice-$(VERSION)", prefix s.gsub! "/opt/Ice-$(VERSION_MAJOR).$(VERSION_MINOR)", prefix end # what want we build? wb = 'config src include' wb += ' doc' if ARGV.include? '--doc' wb += ' demo' if ARGV.include? '--demo' inreplace "cpp/Makefile" do |s| s.change_make_var! "SUBDIRS", wb end inreplace "cpp/config/Make.rules.Darwin" do |s| s.change_make_var! "CXXFLAGS", "#{ENV.cflags} -Wall -D_REENTRANT" end Dir.chdir "cpp" do system "make" system "make install" end end end