class Qt < Formula include Language::Python::Virtualenv desc "Cross-platform application and UI framework" homepage "" url "" sha256 "51114e789485fdb6b35d112dfd7c7abb38326325ac51221b6341564a1c3cc726" license all_of: ["GFDL-1.3-only", "GPL-2.0-only", "GPL-3.0-only", "LGPL-2.1-only", "LGPL-3.0-only"] revision 4 head "", branch: "dev" # The first-party website doesn't make version information readily available, # so we check the `head` repository tags instead. livecheck do url :head regex(/^v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)$/i) end bottle do sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_monterey: "5bf6a5064cfde603f4e050fd8a9bf345761d4c117679edc587845650dd53e8c5" sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "29d4c2fdeb72a14880cfd0504a6ce62997bf2211b7cbc9fa1091684ca7175df1" sha256 cellar: :any, monterey: "9d59c63fb30c990408f9350c8024dfb1eb37df6d99faa034f7010fa6a1860f23" sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "ab0e3c318e051f79b3f0710be0e6ce1fc0693e4debba7f582c68cbba0b0ada39" sha256 cellar: :any, catalina: "7dd9d6d384c7fd034168d1a0f35637927bac1f84d5d0d23bd886a3b82dfbcd7f" end depends_on "cmake" => [:build, :test] depends_on "ninja" => :build depends_on "node" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "python@3.10" => :build depends_on "six" => :build depends_on xcode: :build depends_on "assimp" depends_on "brotli" depends_on "dbus" depends_on "double-conversion" depends_on "freetype" depends_on "glib" depends_on "hunspell" depends_on "icu4c" depends_on "jasper" depends_on "jpeg-turbo" depends_on "libb2" depends_on "libmng" depends_on "libpng" depends_on "libtiff" depends_on "md4c" depends_on "openssl@1.1" depends_on "pcre2" depends_on "sqlite" depends_on "webp" depends_on "zstd" uses_from_macos "bison" => :build uses_from_macos "flex" => :build uses_from_macos "gperf" => :build uses_from_macos "perl" => :build uses_from_macos "llvm" => :test # Our test relies on `clang++` in `PATH`. uses_from_macos "cups" uses_from_macos "krb5" uses_from_macos "libxslt" uses_from_macos "zlib" on_linux do depends_on "alsa-lib" depends_on "at-spi2-core" # TODO: depends_on "bluez" # TODO: depends_on "ffmpeg" depends_on "fontconfig" depends_on "gstreamer" # TODO: depends_on "gypsy" depends_on "harfbuzz" depends_on "libdrm" depends_on "libevent" depends_on "libice" depends_on "libsm" depends_on "libvpx" depends_on "libxcomposite" depends_on "libxkbcommon" depends_on "libxkbfile" depends_on "libxrandr" depends_on "libxtst" depends_on "little-cms2" depends_on "mesa" depends_on "minizip" depends_on "nss" depends_on "opus" depends_on "pulseaudio" depends_on "re2" depends_on "sdl2" depends_on "snappy" depends_on "systemd" depends_on "wayland" depends_on "xcb-util" depends_on "xcb-util-image" depends_on "xcb-util-keysyms" depends_on "xcb-util-renderutil" depends_on "xcb-util-wm" end fails_with gcc: "5" resource("html5lib") do url "" sha256 "b2e5b40261e20f354d198eae92afc10d750afb487ed5e50f9c4eaf07c184146f" end resource("webencodings") do url "" sha256 "b36a1c245f2d304965eb4e0a82848379241dc04b865afcc4aab16748587e1923" end # Remove symlink check causing build to bail out and fail. # patch do url "" sha256 "1afd8bf3299949b2717265228ca953d8d9e4201ddb547f43ed84ac0d7da7a135" directory "qtbase" end def install python = "python3.10" # Install python dependencies for QtWebEngine venv_root = buildpath/"venv" venv = virtualenv_create(venv_root, python) venv.pip_install resources ENV.prepend_path "PYTHONPATH", venv_root/Language::Python.site_packages(python) # FIXME: GN requires clang in clangBasePath/bin inreplace "qtwebengine/src/3rdparty/chromium/build/toolchain/apple/toolchain.gni", 'rebase_path("$clang_base_path/bin/", root_build_dir)', '""' # FIXME: See # and # It is not friendly to Homebrew or macOS # because on macOS `/tmp` -> `/private/tmp` inreplace "qtwebengine/src/3rdparty/gn/src/base/files/", "FilePath(full_path)", "FilePath(input)" realpath_files = %w[ qtwebengine/cmake/Gn.cmake qtwebengine/cmake/Functions.cmake qtwebengine/src/core/api/CMakeLists.txt qtwebengine/src/CMakeLists.txt qtwebengine/src/gn/CMakeLists.txt qtwebengine/src/process/CMakeLists.txt ] inreplace realpath_files, "REALPATH", "ABSOLUTE" config_args = %W[ -release -prefix #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} -extprefix #{prefix} -archdatadir share/qt -datadir share/qt -examplesdir share/qt/examples -testsdir share/qt/tests -no-feature-relocatable -system-sqlite -no-sql-mysql -no-sql-odbc -no-sql-psql ] cmake_args = std_cmake_args(install_prefix: HOMEBREW_PREFIX, find_framework: "FIRST") + %W[ -DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=#{MacOS.version} -DINSTALL_MKSPECSDIR=share/qt/mkspecs -DFEATURE_pkg_config=ON -DQT_FEATURE_avx2=OFF -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_proprietary_codecs=ON -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_kerberos=ON ] if OS.mac? config_args << "-sysroot" << MacOS.sdk_path.to_s # NOTE: `chromium` should be built with the latest SDK because it uses # `___builtin_available` to ensure compatibility. config_args << "-skip" << "qtwebengine" if DevelopmentTools.clang_build_version <= 1200 else # Explicitly specify QT_BUILD_INTERNALS_RELOCATABLE_INSTALL_PREFIX so # that cmake does not think $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/lib is the install prefix. cmake_args << "-DQT_BUILD_INTERNALS_RELOCATABLE_INSTALL_PREFIX=#{prefix}" # Currently we have to use vendored ffmpeg because the chromium copy adds a symbol not # provided by the brewed version. # See here for an explanation of why upstream ffmpeg does not want to add this: # # The vendored copy of libjpeg is also used instead of the brewed copy, because the build # fails due to a missing symbol otherwise. # On macOS chromium will always use bundled copies and the QT_FEATURE_webengine_system_* # arguments are ignored. cmake_args += %w[ -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_system_alsa=ON -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_system_icu=ON -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_system_libevent=ON -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_system_libpng=ON -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_system_libxml=ON -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_system_libwebp=ON -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_system_minizip=ON -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_system_opus=ON -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_system_poppler=ON -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_system_pulseaudio=ON -DQT_FEATURE_webengine_system_zlib=ON ] end system "./configure", *config_args, "--", *cmake_args system "cmake", "--build", "." system "cmake", "--install", "." rm bin/"qt-cmake-private-install.cmake" inreplace lib/"cmake/Qt6/qt.toolchain.cmake", "#{Superenv.shims_path}/", "" # The pkg-config files installed suggest that headers can be found in the # `include` directory. Make this so by creating symlinks from `include` to # the Frameworks' Headers folders. # Tracking issues: # # lib.glob("*.framework") do |f| # Some config scripts will only find Qt in a "Frameworks" folder frameworks.install_symlink f include.install_symlink f/"Headers" => f.stem end return unless OS.mac? bin.glob("*.app") do |app| libexec.install app bin.write_exec_script libexec/app.basename/"Contents/MacOS"/app.stem end end test do (testpath/"CMakeLists.txt").write <<~EOS cmake_minimum_required(VERSION #{Formula["cmake"].version}) project(test VERSION 1.0.0 LANGUAGES CXX) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) set(CMAKE_AUTORCC ON) set(CMAKE_AUTOUIC ON) find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Core Widgets Sql Concurrent 3DCore Svg Quick3D Network NetworkAuth REQUIRED) add_executable(test main.cpp ) target_link_libraries(test PRIVATE Qt6::Core Qt6::Widgets Qt6::Sql Qt6::Concurrent Qt6::3DCore Qt6::Svg Qt6::Quick3D Qt6::Network Qt6::NetworkAuth ) EOS (testpath/"").write <<~EOS QT += core svg 3dcore network networkauth quick3d \ sql TARGET = test CONFIG += console CONFIG -= app_bundle TEMPLATE = app SOURCES += main.cpp EOS (testpath/"main.cpp").write <<~EOS #undef QT_NO_DEBUG #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); QSvgGenerator generator; auto *handler = new QOAuthHttpServerReplyHandler(); delete handler; handler = nullptr; auto *root = new Qt3DCore::QEntity(); delete root; root = nullptr; #ifdef __APPLE__ Q_ASSERT(QSqlDatabase::isDriverAvailable("QSQLITE")); #endif const auto &list = QImageReader::supportedImageFormats(); for(const char* fmt:{"bmp", "cur", "gif", #ifdef __APPLE__ "heic", "heif", #endif "icns", "ico", "jp2", "jpeg", "jpg", "pbm", "pgm", "png", "ppm", "svg", "svgz", "tga", "tif", "tiff", "wbmp", "webp", "xbm", "xpm"}) { Q_ASSERT(list.contains(fmt)); } return 0; } EOS system "cmake", testpath system "make" system "./test" ENV.delete "CPATH" unless MacOS.version <= :mojave system bin/"qmake", testpath/"" system "make" system "./test" end end