class MitScheme < Formula desc "MIT/GNU Scheme development tools and runtime library" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "5509fb69482f671257ab4c62e63b366a918e9e04734feb9f5ac588aa19709bc6" license "GPL-2.0-or-later" livecheck do url "" strategy :page_match regex(%r{href=.*?v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/?["' >]}i) end bottle do sha256 monterey: "bae1d2a271efb27c40b785490cb77ae62a2ad2856c49169df4ca4b6fa5d15a77" sha256 big_sur: "e53230ae27dc40a7b3a4ed54dfe9e905b60a605f5693e5fdbea513f4a5f12b35" sha256 x86_64_linux: "84fc2e7429a15a8a894e39b4edfe042e4ddc404ef517896bcf63c8ee0c97bbed" end # Has a hardcoded compile check for /Applications/ # Dies on "configure: error: SIZEOF_CHAR is not 1" without Xcode. # depends_on xcode: :build uses_from_macos "m4" => :build uses_from_macos "ncurses" on_macos do depends_on arch: :x86_64 # No support for Apple silicon: end on_system :linux, macos: :ventura_or_newer do depends_on "texinfo" => :build end resource "bootstrap" do on_intel do url "" sha256 "8cfbb21b0e753ab8874084522e4acfec7cadf83e516098e4ab788368b748ae0c" end on_arm do url "" sha256 "708ffec51843adbc77873fc18dd3bafc4bd94c96a8ad5be3010ff591d84a2a8b" end end def install # Setting -march=native, which is what --build-from-source does, can fail # with the error "the object ..., passed as the second argument to apply, is # not the correct type." Only Haswell and above appear to be impacted. # Reported 23rd Apr 2016: # NOTE: `unless build.bottle?` avoids overriding --bottle-arch=[...]. ENV["HOMEBREW_OPTFLAGS"] = "-march=#{Hardware.oldest_cpu}" unless build.bottle? resource("bootstrap").stage do cd "src" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{buildpath}/staging", "--without-x" system "make" system "make", "install" end # Liarc builds must launch within the src dir, not using the top-level # Makefile cd "src" # Take care of some hard-coded paths %w[ 6001/edextra.scm 6001/floppy.scm compiler/etc/disload.scm edwin/techinfo.scm edwin/unix.scm ].each do |f| inreplace f, "/usr/local", prefix end inreplace "microcode/configure" do |s| s.gsub! "/usr/local", prefix # Fixes "configure: error: No MacOSX SDK for version: 10.10" # Reported 23rd Apr 2016: s.gsub!(/SDK=MacOSX\$\{MACOS\}$/, "SDK=MacOSX#{MacOS.sdk.version}") if OS.mac? end inreplace "edwin/" do |s| s.gsub! "mit-scheme", "#{bin}/mit-scheme" end ENV.prepend_path "PATH", buildpath/"staging/bin" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--mandir=#{man}", "--without-x" system "make" system "make", "install" end test do # (testpath/"primes.scm").write <<~EOS ; ; primes ; By Ozan Yigit ; (define (interval-list m n) (if (> m n) '() (cons m (interval-list (+ 1 m) n)))) (define (sieve l) (define (remove-multiples n l) (if (null? l) '() (if (= (modulo (car l) n) 0) ; division test (remove-multiples n (cdr l)) (cons (car l) (remove-multiples n (cdr l)))))) (if (null? l) '() (cons (car l) (sieve (remove-multiples (car l) (cdr l)))))) (define (primes<= n) (sieve (interval-list 2 n))) ; (primes<= 300) EOS output = shell_output( "#{bin}/mit-scheme --load primes.scm --eval '(primes<= 72)' < /dev/null", ) assert_match( /;Value: \(2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71\)/, output, ) end end