require 'formula' class OasaPythonModule < Requirement def message; <<-EOS.undent The oasa Python module is required for some operations. It can be downloaded from: EOS end def satisfied? args = %W{/usr/bin/env python -c import\ oasa} quiet_system *args end end class OpenBabel < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'e396b27551a106e001ca6c953181657a0a53f43f' head '' depends_on def options [ ["--perl", "Perl bindings"], ["--python", "Python bindings"], ["--ruby", "Ruby bindings"] ] end def install args = ["--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}"] args << '--enable-maintainer-mode' if ARGV.build_head? system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make install" ENV['OPENBABEL_INSTALL'] = prefix # Install the python bindings if ARGV.include? '--python' cd 'scripts/python' do system "python", "", "build" system "python", "", "install", "--prefix=#{prefix}" end end # Install the perl bindings. if ARGV.include? '--perl' cd 'scripts/perl' do # because it's not yet been linked, the perl script won't find the newly # compiled library unless we pass it in as LD_LIBRARY_PATH. ENV['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = "lib" system 'perl', 'Makefile.PL' # With the additional argument "PREFIX=#{prefix}" it puts things in #{prefix} (where perl can't find them). # Without, it puts them in /Library/Perl/... inreplace "Makefile" do |s| # Fix the broken Makefile (-bundle not allowed with -dynamiclib). # I think this is a SWIG error, but I'm not sure. s.gsub! '-bundle ', '' # Don't waste time building PPC version. s.gsub! '-arch ppc ', '' # Don't build i386 version when libopenbabel can't link to it. s.gsub! '-arch i386 ', '' end system "make" system "make test" system "make install" end end # Install the ruby bindings. if ARGV.include? '--ruby' cd 'scripts/ruby' do system "ruby", "extconf.rb", "--with-openbabel-include=#{include}", "--with-openbabel-lib=#{lib}" # Don't build i386 version when libopenbabel can't link to it. inreplace "Makefile", '-arch i386 ', '' # With the following line it puts things in #{prefix} (where ruby can't find them). # Without, it puts them in /Library/Ruby/... #ENV['DESTDIR']=prefix system "make" system "make install" end end end end