class Chapel < Formula desc "Programming language for productive parallel computing at scale" homepage "" url "" sha256 "558b1376fb7757a5e1f254c717953f598a3e89850c8edd1936b8d09c464f3e8b" license "Apache-2.0" bottle do sha256 arm64_monterey: "47e7d368c685aed62e699dbb9e87a881ab7d6a65873425b10d83d58458b62557" sha256 arm64_big_sur: "632ea42631efaed6c650d311b8dbfa4b643869f55699192b4bb600b77d37079d" sha256 monterey: "2863cfb4bc1082fba46a7c24a01db3a63abb2d6902ac1d5876fba13289b63eb4" sha256 big_sur: "67f5179a97496c53649f6a851256246d419262aee7d0fdbdf734a380de1023b2" sha256 catalina: "85a12fe66532bb5bcb31714054b7c081613886198fa4cc7bb8736053beb20c37" sha256 x86_64_linux: "953787b24c4237de21e019d663bb779374968c878ffc08e72291c2f72afb8c6b" end depends_on "gmp" # `chapel` scripts use python on PATH (e.g. checking `command -v python3`), # so it needs to depend on the currently linked Homebrew Python version. # TODO: remove from versioned_dependencies_conflicts_allowlist when # when Python dependency matches LLVM's Python for all OS versions. depends_on "python@3.9" on_macos do depends_on "llvm" if MacOS.version > :catalina # fatal error: cannot open file './sys_basic.h': No such file or directory # Issue ref: depends_on "llvm@11" if MacOS.version <= :catalina end on_linux do depends_on "llvm" end # LLVM is built with gcc11 and we will fail on linux with gcc version 5.xx fails_with gcc: "5" # Work around Homebrew 11-arm64 CI issue, which outputs unwanted objc warnings like: # objc[42134]: Class ... is implemented in both ... One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. # These end up incorrectly failing checkChplInstall test script when it checks for stdout/stderr. # TODO: remove when Homebrew CI no longer outputs these warnings or 11-arm64 is no longer used. patch :DATA def llvm { |f| "^llvm" } end def install libexec.install Dir["*"] # Chapel uses this ENV to work out where to install. ENV["CHPL_HOME"] = libexec ENV["CHPL_GMP"] = "system" # This enables a workaround for # ENV["CHPL_HOST_USE_SYSTEM_LIBCXX"] = "yes" # Must be built from within CHPL_HOME to prevent build bugs. # cd libexec do # don't try to set CHPL_LLVM_GCC_PREFIX since the llvm@13 # package should be configured to use a reasonable GCC (libexec/"chplconfig").write <<~EOS CHPL_RE2=bundled CHPL_GMP=system CHPL_LLVM_CONFIG=#{llvm.opt_bin}/llvm-config CHPL_LLVM_GCC_PREFIX=none EOS system "./util/printchplenv", "--all" with_env(CHPL_PIP_FROM_SOURCE: "1") do system "make", "test-venv" end with_env(CHPL_LLVM: "none") do system "make" end with_env(CHPL_LLVM: "system") do system "make" end with_env(CHPL_PIP_FROM_SOURCE: "1") do system "make", "chpldoc" end system "make", "mason" system "make", "cleanall" rm_rf("third-party/llvm/llvm-src/") rm_rf("third-party/gasnet/gasnet-src") rm_rf("third-party/libfabric/libfabric-src") rm_rf("third-party/fltk/fltk-1.3.5-source.tar.gz") rm_rf("third-party/libunwind/libunwind-1.1.tar.gz") rm_rf("third-party/gmp/gmp-src/") rm_rf("third-party/qthread/qthread-src/installed") end # Install chpl and other binaries (e.g. chpldoc) into bin/ as exec scripts. platform = if OS.linux? && Hardware::CPU.is_64_bit? "linux64-#{Hardware::CPU.arch}" else "#{OS.kernel_name.downcase}-#{Hardware::CPU.arch}" end bin.install libexec.glob("bin/#{platform}/*") bin.env_script_all_files libexec/"bin"/platform, CHPL_HOME: libexec man1.install_symlink libexec.glob("man/man1/*.1") end test do ENV["CHPL_HOME"] = libexec ENV["CHPL_INCLUDE_PATH"] = HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"include" ENV["CHPL_LIB_PATH"] = HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"lib" cd libexec do with_env(CHPL_LLVM: "system") do system "util/test/checkChplInstall" end with_env(CHPL_LLVM: "none") do system "util/test/checkChplInstall" end end system bin/"chpl", "--print-passes", "--print-commands", libexec/"examples/hello.chpl" end end __END__ diff --git a/util/test/checkChplInstall b/util/test/checkChplInstall index 7d2eb78a88..a9ddf22054 100755 --- a/util/test/checkChplInstall +++ b/util/test/checkChplInstall @@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ fi if [ -n "${TEST_COMP_OUT}" ]; then # apply "prediff"-like filter to remove gmake "clock skew detected" warnings, if any TEST_COMP_OUT=$( grep <<<"${TEST_COMP_OUT}" -v \ + -e '^objc\(\[[0-9]*\]\)*: Class .* is implemented in both .* One of the two will be used\. Which one is undefined\. *$' \ -e '^g*make\(\[[0-9]*\]\)*: Warning: File .* has modification time .* in the future *$' \ -e '^g*make\(\[[0-9]*\]\)*: warning: Clock skew detected\. Your build may be incomplete\. *$' ) fi