require 'formula' class Solid < Formula url '' homepage '' sha1 'bd0afef7842f826c270cff32fc23994aec0b0d65' def options [ [ '--enable-doubles', 'Use internal double precision floats' ], [ '--enable-tracer', 'Use rounding error tracer' ] ] end def install args = ["--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-debug", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--infodir=#{info}" ] args << '--enable-doubles' if ARGV.include? '--enable-doubles' args << '--enable-tracer' if ARGV.include? '--enable-tracer' system "./configure", *args # exclude the examples from compiling! # the examples do not compile because the include statements # for the GLUT library are not platform independent inreplace "Makefile", " examples ", " " system "make install" end end