require 'formula' class Kismet < Formula url '' version '2011-03-R1' homepage '' sha256 '4bc1ff064dccd65dacdd2db832bc209781daa482690fba444a0b79d36744ff5b' def install system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--mandir=#{man}", "--sysconfdir=#{etc}" # Don't chown anything. inreplace "Makefile", "-o $(INSTUSR) -g $(INSTGRP)", "" inreplace "Makefile", "-o $(INSTUSR) -g $(MANGRP)", "" system "make install" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Read and edit #{etc}/kismet.conf as needed. * SUID Root functionality does not work, you will have to run this as root, e.g. via `sudo`. Do so at your own risk. * This version can be configured interactively when it is run (listen interface, etc). * You may add the line 'ncsource=en1:name=AirPort' to kismet.conf to avoid prompting at startup (assuming en1 is your AirPort card). EOS end end