require 'formula' class NodeRequired < Requirement def message; <<-EOS.undent CoffeeScript rqeuires Node to be installed. You can install using Homebrew: brew install node If you are installing the --HEAD version of CoffeeScript, you may need the --HEAD version of node: brew install --HEAD node EOS end def satisfied? Formula.factory("node").installed? or which('node') end def fatal? true end end class CoffeeScript < Formula url '' head '' homepage '' md5 '5dfc3ee21214f1b7e86c0535f5386a35' depends_on def install bin.mkpath system "./bin/cake", "--prefix", prefix, "install" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent coffee-script can also be installed via npm with: npm install coffee-script This has the advantage of supporting multiple versions of Node libs at the same time. EOS end end