require 'formula' class VmallocDownloadStrategy < CurlDownloadStrategy def _fetch # downloading from AT&T requires using the following credentials credentials = 'I accept' curl @url, '--output', @tarball_path, '--user', credentials end end class Vmalloc < Formula homepage '' url '', :using => VmallocDownloadStrategy sha1 '13e45960831226b2b2ac93cdbe23d1d4c6e7eb38' version '2005-02-01' def install # Vmalloc makefile does not work in parallel mode ENV.deparallelize # override Vmalloc makefile flags inreplace Dir['src/**/Makefile'] do |s| s.change_make_var! "CC", s.change_make_var! "CXFLAGS", ENV.cflags s.change_make_var! "CCMODE", "" end # make all Vmalloc stuff system "/bin/sh ./Runmake" # install manually # put all includes into a directory of their own (include + "vmalloc").install Dir['include/*.h'] lib.install Dir['lib/*.a'] man.install 'man/man3' end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent We agreed to the OSI Common Public License Version 1.0 for you. If this is unacceptable you should uninstall. EOS end end