require 'formula' class Cc65 < Formula homepage '' # CC65 stable has ceased to be maintained as of March 2013. # The head build has a new home, and new maintainer, but no new stable release yet. head '' url '' sha1 '925c6edfcef7057e24ecb0704fa07210faec07bc' conflicts_with 'grc', :because => 'both install `grc` binaries' def install ENV.deparallelize ENV.no_optimization system "make", "-f", "make/gcc.mak", "prefix=#{prefix}", "libdir=#{share}" system "make", "-f", "make/gcc.mak", "install", "prefix=#{prefix}", "libdir=#{share}" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Library files have been installed to: #{share}/cc65 EOS end test do (testpath/"foo.c").write "int main (void) { return 0; }" system bin/"cl65", "foo.c" # compile and link assert File.exist?("foo") # binary end end