class Vala < Formula desc "Compiler for the GObject type system" homepage "" url "" sha256 "dd0d47e548a34cfb1e4b04149acd082a86414c49057ffb79902eb9a508a161a9" bottle do sha256 "44202ef8e2089412ee3963c482a6da151f36e42ba61cdf440e6f85b0da3f7390" => :sierra sha256 "b145fd3b3a57d95e90ff2b0ee093e0f29871687bab4af8a2f50ed76410663ccb" => :el_capitan sha256 "7838ebeb324f2b6ec511874389732d4816ec8cb34996858f641220530e4483c6" => :yosemite sha256 "b4f091f677a6fe7f3f67e7dc086ce9ca58dc8dcb70a2a786e9f0f029ed67f12c" => :mavericks end depends_on "pkg-config" => :run depends_on "gettext" depends_on "glib" def install system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-silent-rules", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make" # Fails to compile as a single step system "make", "install" end test do test_string = "Hello Homebrew\n" path = testpath/"hello.vala" path.write <<-EOS void main () { print ("#{test_string}"); } EOS valac_args = [ # Build with debugging symbols. "-g", # Use Homebrew's default C compiler. "--cc=#{}", # Save generated C source code. "--save-temps", # Vala source code path. path.to_s, ] system "#{bin}/valac", *valac_args assert File.exist?(testpath/"hello.c") assert_equal test_string, shell_output("#{testpath}/hello") end end