class Unrar < Formula desc "Extract, view, and test RAR archives" homepage "" url "" sha256 "e470c584332422893fb52e049f2cbd99e24dc6c6da971008b4e2ae4284f8796c" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "160c588885c324f705a335c8637e91c133f162d5ba5b8ed6626b79ba71c9ea63" => :sierra sha256 "40c06c3c954ca0729491335e289dfc2a112ac8df6c2ac20e527693183ce520ff" => :el_capitan sha256 "4c8325c8382d687ca64c55fa4c5cac3237491babe24f2abb580e36b87cc24c52" => :yosemite sha256 "360cd0f3ed5b8a57e8afb0860148ce1997f7f7328afa624d4848db87a509f2a0" => :mavericks end def install system "make" # Explicitly clean up for the library build to avoid an issue with an # apparent implicit clean which confuses the dependencies. system "make", "clean" system "make", "lib" bin.install "unrar" # Sent an email to (18-Feb-2015) asking them to look into # the need for the explicit clean, and to change the make to generate a # dylib file on OS X lib.install "" => "libunrar.dylib" end test do contentpath = "directory/file.txt" rarpath = testpath/"archive.rar" data = "UmFyIRoHAM+QcwAADQAAAAAAAACaCHQggDIACQAAAAkAAAADtPej1LZwZE" \ "QUMBIApIEAAGRpcmVjdG9yeVxmaWxlLnR4dEhvbWVicmV3CsQ9ewBABwA=" rarpath.write data.unpack("m").first assert_equal contentpath, `#{bin}/unrar lb #{rarpath}`.strip assert_equal 0, $?.exitstatus system "#{bin}/unrar", "x", rarpath, testpath assert_equal "Homebrew\n", (testpath/contentpath).read end end