class HbaseLZORequirement < Requirement fatal true satisfy(:build_env => false) { Tab.for_name("hbase").with?("lzo") } def message; <<-EOS.undent hbase must not have disabled lzo compression to use it in opentsdb: brew install hbase not brew install hbase --without-lzo EOS end end class Opentsdb < Formula desc "Scalable, distributed Time Series Database." homepage "" url "" sha256 "5689d4d83ee21f1ce5892d064d6738bfa9fdef99f106f45d5c38eefb9476dfb5" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "050fc28675d4b62c7143ff6f6748fc6361305c2701e3d3a3babec64a3078130f" => :el_capitan sha256 "b15a3370a281f2a26cb3dbd531d9bf165fe7796d895912aa5caedd6d7ab4b926" => :yosemite sha256 "890ed2fd269e9fd20825e592f2a2d3cc91269669418b93389c56eded33d4b226" => :mavericks end depends_on "hbase" depends_on "lzo" => :recommended depends_on HbaseLZORequirement if build.with?("lzo") depends_on :java => "1.6+" depends_on "gnuplot" => :optional def install # submitted to upstream: # pulled to next branch: # doesn't apply cleanly on this release though # mkdir_p is called from in a subdir of build so needs an extra ../ and there is no rule to create $(classes) and # everything builds without specifying them as dependencies of the jar. inreplace "" do |s| s.sub!(/(\$\(jar\): manifest \.javac-stamp) \$\(classes\)/, '\1') s.sub!(/(echo " \$\(mkdir_p\) '\$\$dstdir'"; )/, '\1../') end mkdir "build" do system "../configure", "--disable-silent-rules", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--mandir=#{man}", "--sysconfdir=#{etc}", "--localstatedir=#{var}/opentsdb" system "make" bin.mkpath system "make", "install-exec-am", "install-data-am" end env = { :HBASE_HOME => Formula["hbase"].opt_libexec, :COMPRESSION => (build.with?("lzo") ? "LZO" : "NONE"), } env = Language::Java.java_home_env.merge(env) create_table = pkgshare/"tools/" create_table.write_env_script pkgshare/"tools/", env create_table.chmod 0755 inreplace pkgshare/"etc/opentsdb/opentsdb.conf", "/usr/share", "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share" etc.install pkgshare/"etc/opentsdb" (pkgshare/"plugins/.keep").write "" (bin/"").write <<-EOS.undent #!/bin/sh exec "#{opt_bin}/tsdb" tsd \\ --config="#{etc}/opentsdb/opentsdb.conf" \\ --staticroot="#{opt_pkgshare}/static/" \\ --cachedir="#{var}/cache/opentsdb" \\ --port=4242 \\ --zkquorum=localhost:2181 \\ --zkbasedir=/hbase \\ --auto-metric \\ "$@" EOS end def post_install (var/"cache/opentsdb").mkpath system "#{Formula["hbase"].opt_bin}/" begin sleep 2 system "#{pkgshare}/tools/" ensure system "#{Formula["hbase"].opt_bin}/" end end plist_options :manual => "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/opentsdb/bin/" def plist; <<-EOS.undent KeepAlive OtherJobEnabled #{Formula["hbase"].plist_name} Label #{plist_name} ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/ WorkingDirectory #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} StandardOutPath #{var}/opentsdb/opentsdb.log StandardErrorPath #{var}/opentsdb/opentsdb.err EOS end test do cp_r (Formula["hbase"].opt_libexec/"conf"), testpath inreplace (testpath/"conf/hbase-site.xml") do |s| s.gsub! /(hbase.rootdir.*)\n.*/, "\\1\nfile://#{testpath}/hbase" s.gsub! /(*)\n.*/, "\\1\n#{testpath}/zookeeper" end ENV["HBASE_LOG_DIR"] = testpath/"logs" ENV["HBASE_CONF_DIR"] = testpath/"conf" ENV["HBASE_PID_DIR"] = testpath/"pid" system "#{Formula["hbase"].opt_bin}/" begin sleep 2 system "#{pkgshare}/tools/" tsdb_err = "#{testpath}/tsdb.err" tsdb_out = "#{testpath}/tsdb.out" tsdb_daemon_pid = fork do $stderr.reopen(tsdb_err, "w") $stdout.reopen(tsdb_out, "w") exec("#{bin}/") end sleep 15 begin pipe_output("nc localhost 4242 2>&1", "put homebrew.install.test 1356998400 42.5 host=webserver01 cpu=0\n") system "#{bin}/tsdb", "query", "1356998000", "1356999000", "sum", "homebrew.install.test", "host=webserver01", "cpu=0" ensure Process.kill(9, tsdb_daemon_pid) end ensure system "#{Formula["hbase"].opt_bin}/" end end end