class MozGitTools < Formula desc "Tools for working with Git at Mozilla" homepage "" url "", :tag => "v0.1", :revision => "cfe890e6f81745c8b093b20a3dc22d28f9fc0032" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "7a771b0e71a44dafd3fc4eb2210f909d412f9ea541a7ff50a96ce272204cc501" => :sierra sha256 "c5ddb2e842a6fb26ba5feacdee6bac287d94732abd888bd11bc5c80be4f100a4" => :el_capitan sha256 "91f89ec1014d6c7b395571210c0f21b1e701f4bfb90540a94fa3daafd4472d3b" => :yosemite sha256 "8df4c14355c7b6291964609122f8643f61d77e05c2b6b68517710e5653a1423e" => :mavericks end def install # Install all the executables, except git-root since that conflicts with git-extras bin_array = Dir.glob("git*").push("hg-patch-to-git-patch") bin_array.delete("git-root") bin_array.delete("git-bz-moz") # a directory, not an executable bin_array.each { |e| bin.install e } end def caveats <<-EOS.undent git-root was not installed because it conflicts with the version provided by git-extras. EOS end test do # create a Git repo and check its branchname (testpath/".gitconfig").write <<-EOS.undent [user] name = Real Person email = EOS system "git", "init" (testpath/"myfile").write("my file") system "git", "add", "myfile" system "git", "commit", "-m", "test" assert_match /master/, shell_output("#{bin}/git-branchname") end end