class ImapUw < Formula # imap-uw is unmaintained software; the author has passed away and there is # no active successor project. desc "University of Washington IMAP toolkit" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "53e15a2b5c1bc80161d42e9f69792a3fa18332b7b771910131004eb520004a28" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "714de61f534fb8f9264183a96b527868ffee4e568f10b2ad5c283276896ffa2f" => :sierra sha256 "2b9f5cbd682299610f20f1fda87c5d5c63b378ec071be2ed4889276bed53f0b4" => :el_capitan sha256 "001a10201375e639d4dbb4c8cba174ef02b19b89ba8e71ce2e2182610b6f120d" => :yosemite sha256 "f91d54e0b6f2f5c0ba371e68298dafe178ecd4ac23222dd0de982ba95643ded4" => :mavericks sha256 "d5788fa0de07892dca5a7867bd3edb3cf822ce85f4e3993b01c7a3d9a8ecb0d3" => :mountain_lion end depends_on "openssl" def install ENV.j1 inreplace "Makefile" do |s| s.gsub! "SSLINCLUDE=/usr/include/openssl", "SSLINCLUDE=#{Formula["openssl"].opt_include}/openssl" s.gsub! "SSLLIB=/usr/lib", "SSLLIB=#{Formula["openssl"].opt_lib}" s.gsub! "-DMAC_OSX_KLUDGE=1", "" if MacOS.version >= :snow_leopard end inreplace "src/osdep/unix/ssl_unix.c", "#include \n#include ", "#include \n#include " system "make", "oxp" # email servers: sbin.install "imapd/imapd", "ipopd/ipop2d", "ipopd/ipop3d" # mail utilities: bin.install "dmail/dmail", "mailutil/mailutil", "tmail/tmail" # c-client library: # Note: Installing the headers from the root c-client directory is not # possible because they are symlinks and homebrew dutifully copies them # as such. Pulling from within the src dir achieves the desired result. doc.install Dir["docs/*"] lib.install "c-client/c-client.a" => "libc-client.a" (include + "imap").install "c-client/osdep.h", "c-client/linkage.h" (include + "imap").install Dir["src/c-client/*.h", "src/osdep/unix/*.h"] end end