require 'formula' class Qscintilla2 < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'c68dbeaafb4f5dbe0d8200ae907cced0c7762e19' depends_on 'pyqt' depends_on 'sip' def install ENV.prepend 'PYTHONPATH', "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/python", ':' cd 'Qt4' do inreplace '' do |s| s.gsub! '$$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS]', lib s.gsub! "$$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS]", include s.gsub! "$$[QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS]", "#{prefix}/trans" s.gsub! "$$[QT_INSTALL_DATA]", "#{prefix}/data" end system "qmake", "" system "make" system "make", "install" end cd 'Python' do system 'python', '', "-o", lib, "-n", include, "--apidir=#{prefix}/qsci", "--destdir=#{lib}/python/PyQt4", "--sipdir=#{share}/sip" system 'make' system 'make', 'install' end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent This formula includes a Python module that will not be functional until you amend your PYTHONPATH: export PYTHONPATH=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/python:$PYTHONPATH EOS end end