require "formula" class Pdnsrec < Formula homepage "" url "" sha1 "b77befa0a20d9822523dec44c2559ffda4ea689d" revision 1 bottle do cellar :any sha1 "e066a872aa2980893b0c9b2b2bc43d2352211db8" => :mavericks sha1 "ec569f0492e99420d65739125e551b4834ccaeb0" => :mountain_lion sha1 "c11d07c1c1805f4e4ffea6d12f298a092a53f0c6" => :lion end depends_on :macos => :lion depends_on "boost" depends_on "lua" => :optional # Temporary workaround for Mavericks # patch :DATA def install # Set overrides using environment variables ENV["DESTDIR"] = "#{prefix}" ENV["OPTFLAGS"] = "-O0" ENV.O0 # Include Lua if requested if build.with? "lua" ENV["LUA"] = "1" ENV["LUA_CPPFLAGS_CONFIG"] = "-I#{Formula["lua"].opt_include}" ENV["LUA_LIBS_CONFIG"] = "-llua" end # Adjust hard coded paths in Makefile inreplace "Makefile", "/usr/sbin/", "#{sbin}/" inreplace "Makefile", "/usr/bin/", "#{bin}/" inreplace "Makefile", "/etc/powerdns/", "#{etc}/powerdns/" inreplace "Makefile", "/var/run/", "#{var}/run/" # Compile system "make", "basic_checks" system "make" # Do the install manually bin.install "rec_control" sbin.install "pdns_recursor" man1.install "pdns_recursor.1", "rec_control.1" # Generate a default configuration file (prefix/"etc/powerdns").mkpath system "#{sbin}/pdns_recursor --config > #{prefix}/etc/powerdns/recursor.conf" end end __END__ --- pdns-recursor-3.6.1/rec_channel.hh.orig 2014-09-09 09:33:33 UTC +++ pdns-recursor-3.6.1/rec_channel.hh @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include /** this class is used both to send and answer channel commands to the PowerDNS Recursor */