require 'formula' class J2kp4files < Formula url '' md5 '27780ed3254e6eb763ebd718a8ccc340' end class Tiffpic < Formula url '' sha1 'f50e14335fd98f73c6a235d3ff4d83cf4767ab37' end class Bmpsuite < Formula url '' sha1 '2e43ec4d8e6f628f71a554c327433914000db7ba' version '1.0.0' end class Tgautils < Formula url '' sha1 '0902c51e7b00ae70a460250f60d6adc41c8095df' version '1.0.0' end class OpenexrImages < Formula url '' sha1 '22bb1a3d37841a88647045353f732ceac652fd3f' end class OiioImages < Formula url '' sha1 '8f12a86098120fd10ceb294a0d3aa1c95a0d3f80' version '1.0.0' end class Openimageio < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '9ac265c279392117025cc18061742c3c1392d549' head '' depends_on 'cmake' => :build depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build depends_on 'opencolorio' depends_on 'ilmbase' depends_on 'openexr' depends_on 'boost' depends_on 'libtiff' depends_on 'jpeg' depends_on 'openjpeg' depends_on 'cfitsio' depends_on 'hdf5' depends_on 'field3d' depends_on 'webp' depends_on 'glew' depends_on 'qt' def options [['--with-tests', 'Dowload 95MB of test images and verify Oiio (~2 min).']] end def install # Oiio is designed to have its testsuite images extracted one directory # above the source. That's not a safe place for HB. Do the opposite, # and move the entire source down into a subdirectory if --with-tests. if ARGV.include? '--with-tests' then (buildpath+'localpub').install Dir['*'] chdir 'localpub' end ENV.append 'MY_CMAKE_FLAGS', "-Wno-dev" # stops a warning. args = ["USE_TBB=1", "EMBEDPLUGINS=1"] python_prefix = `python-config --prefix`.strip # Python is actually a library. The libpythonX.Y.dylib points to this lib, too. if File.exist? "#{python_prefix}/Python" # Python was compiled with --framework: ENV.append 'MY_CMAKE_FLAGS', "-DPYTHON_LIBRARY='#{python_prefix}/Python'" ENV.append 'MY_CMAKE_FLAGS', "-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR='#{python_prefix}/Headers'" else python_version = `python-config --libs`.match('-lpython(\d+\.\d+)') python_lib = "#{python_prefix}/lib/libpython#{python_version}" ENV.append 'MY_CMAKE_FLAGS', "-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR='#{python_prefix}/include/python#{python_version}'" if File.exists? "#{python_lib}.a" ENV.append 'MY_CMAKE_FLAGS', "-DPYTHON_LIBRARY='#{python_lib}.a'" else ENV.append 'MY_CMAKE_FLAGS', "-DPYTHON_LIBRARY='#{python_lib}.dylib'" end end # Download standardized test images if the user throws --with-tests. # 90% of the images are in tarballs, so they are cached normally. # The webp and fits images are loose. Curl them each install. if ARGV.include? '--with-tests' then d = buildpath mkdir d+'webp-images' do curl "[1-5].webp", "-O" end mkdir d+'fits-images' mkdir d+'fits-images/pg93' do curl "[1-3].fits", "-O" curl "[5-9].fits", "-O" curl "", "-O" end mkdir d+'fits-images/ftt4b' do curl "[1-3].fits", "-O" curl "{09,12}.fits", "-O" end { (d+'j2kp4files_v1_5').install Dir['J2KP4files/*'] } { (d+'libtiffpic').install Dir['*'] } { (d+'bmpsuite').install Dir['*'] } { (d+'TGAUTILS').install Dir['*'] } { (d+'openexr-images-1.5.0').install Dir['*'] }'oiioimages').brew { (d+'oiio-images').install Dir['*'] } end # make is a shell wrapper for cmake crafted by the devs (who have Lion). system "make", *args system "make test" if ARGV.include? '--with-tests' # There is no working make install in 1.0.2, devel or HEAD. Dir.chdir 'dist/macosx' do (lib + which_python ).install 'lib/python/site-packages' prefix.install %w[ bin include ] lib.install Dir[ 'lib/lib*' ] doc.install 'share/doc/openimageio/openimageio.pdf' prefix.install Dir['share/doc/openimageio/*'] end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent If OpenImageIO is brewed using non-homebrew Python, then you need to amend your PYTHONPATH like so: export PYTHONPATH=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/#{which_python}/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH EOS end def which_python "python" + `python -c 'import sys;print(sys.version[:3])'`.strip end end