require 'formula' def which_python "python" + `python -c 'import sys;print(sys.version[:3])'`.strip end def site_package_dir "lib/#{which_python}/site-packages" end class Pyside < Formula homepage '' url '' md5 '233f0c6d2b3daf58cf88877d7f74557b' depends_on 'cmake' => :build depends_on 'shiboken' def install # The build will be unable to find Qt headers buried inside frameworks # unless the folder containing those frameworks is added to the compiler # search path. qt = Formula.factory 'qt' ENV.append_to_cflags "-F#{qt.prefix}/Frameworks" # Also need `ALTERNATIVE_QT_INCLUDE_DIR` to prevent "missing file" errors. system "cmake #{std_cmake_parameters} -DALTERNATIVE_QT_INCLUDE_DIR=#{qt.prefix}/Frameworks -DSITE_PACKAGE=#{site_package_dir} -DBUILD_TESTS=NO ." system 'make install' end def caveats <<-EOS PySide Python modules have been linked to: #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/#{site_package_dir} Make sure this folder is on your PYTHONPATH. For PySide development tools, install the `pyside-tools` formula. EOS end end