require 'formula' def fortran? ARGV.include? '--enable-fortran' end class Netcdf < Formula url '' homepage '' md5 'ead16cb3b671f767396387dcb3c1a814' depends_on 'hdf5' def options [['--enable-fortran', 'Compile Fortran bindings']] end def install ENV.fortran if fortran? ENV.append 'LDFLAGS', '-lsz' # So configure finds szip during HDF5 tests # HDF5 is required to create and access files in the version 4 format hdf5 = Formula.factory 'hdf5' args = ["--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-hdf5=#{hdf5.prefix}", "--enable-netcdf4", "--enable-shared", "--with-szlib=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}"] args << "--disable-fortran" unless fortran? system "./configure", *args system "make install" end end