require 'formula' class RubyEnterpriseEdition < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '662f37afbe04f3a55ac3b119227a2cd4e53745bf' env :std option 'enable-shared', "Compile shared, but see caveats" depends_on 'readline' fails_with :llvm def install readline = Formula.factory('readline').prefix args = ["--auto", prefix, '--no-tcmalloc'] args << '-c' << '--enable-shared' if build.include? 'enable-shared' # Configure will complain that this is an unknown option, but it is actually OK args << '-c' << "--with-readline-dir=#{readline}" system './installer', *args end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent By default we don't compile REE as a shared library. From their documentation: Please note that enabling --enable-shared will make the Ruby interpreter about 20% slower. For desktop environments (particularly ones requiring RubyCocoa) this is acceptable and even desirable. If you need REE to be compiled as a shared library, you can re-compile like so: brew install ruby-enterprise-edition --force --enable-shared EOS end end