require 'formula' class Mapserver < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '3aafa2c8367580bffcac8c53ec41b37cabaa2f82' option "with-fastcgi", "Build with fastcgi support" option "with-geos", "Build support for GEOS spatial operations" option "with-php", "Build PHP MapScript module" option "with-postgresql", "Build support for PostgreSQL as a data source" option "with-python", "Build Python MapScript module" # to find custom python env :userpaths depends_on :freetype depends_on :libpng depends_on 'giflib' depends_on 'gd' => %w{with-freetype} depends_on 'proj' depends_on 'gdal' depends_on 'geos' => :optional depends_on 'postgresql' if build.include? 'with-postgresql' and not MacOS.version >= :lion depends_on 'fcgi' if build.include? 'with-fastcgi' def install args = [ "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-proj", "--with-gdal", "--with-ogr", ] args << "--with-geos" if build.with? 'geos' args << "--with-php=/usr/bin/php-config" if build.include? 'with-php' if build.include? 'with-postgresql' if MacOS.version >= :lion # Lion ships with PostgreSQL libs args << "--with-postgis" else args << "--with-postgis=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/pg_config" end end args << "--with-fastcgi=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" if build.include? 'with-fastcgi' system "./configure", *args system "make" install_args = [] install_args << "PHP_EXT_DIR=#{prefix}" if build.include? 'with-php' system "make", "install", *install_args if build.include? 'with-python' cd 'mapscript/python' do system "python", "", "install" end end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent The Mapserver CGI executable is #{bin}/mapserv If you built the PHP option: * Add the following line to php.ini: extension="#{prefix}/" * Execute "php -m" * You should see MapScript in the module list EOS end def test system "#{bin}/mapserver-config", "--version" end end