require 'formula' # Include a private copy of this Python app # so we don't have to worry about clashing dependencies. class Pygments < Formula url '' homepage '' sha1 '' end class Shocco < Formula homepage '' head '', :commit => '06ab9ecebd713a1a6ae695b190a775ca6dfeb7b2' depends_on 'markdown' def install { libexec.install 'pygmentize','pygments' } # Brew into libexec, along with Pygments system "./configure", "PYGMENTIZE=#{libexec}/pygmentize", "--prefix=#{libexec}" system "make" libexec.install "shocco" # Link the script into bin bin.install_symlink libexec+"shocco" end def caveats <<-EOS.undent You may also want to install browser: brew install browser shocco `which shocco` | browser EOS end end