require "formula" class Quazip < Formula homepage "" url "" sha1 "861ab4efc048fdb272161848bb8829848857ec97" bottle do cellar :any sha1 "446a5af6f7cd0d9d480d1ffe935866cebeacea81" => :mavericks sha1 "0558adc8641a1e9a76f2555914a08b5ed1495a13" => :mountain_lion sha1 "2a622f7b99eee61883bbcf5eedc755d34f73730a" => :lion end depends_on "qt" def install # On Mavericks we want to target libc++, this requires a unsupported/macx-clang-libc++ flag if ENV.compiler == :clang and MacOS.version >= :mavericks spec = "unsupported/macx-clang-libc++" else spec = "macx-g++" end args = %W[ -config release -spec #{spec} PREFIX=#{prefix} LIBS+=-L/usr/lib LIBS+=-lz INCLUDEPATH+=/usr/include ] system "qmake", "", *args system "make", "install" cd "qztest" do args = %W[-config release -spec #{spec}] system "qmake", *args system "make" bin.install "qztest" end end test do system "#{bin}/qztest" end end