require 'formula' class Chruby < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '3c207a7b43d8e66928704237aadc043353799a5d' head '' def install system 'make', 'install', "PREFIX=#{prefix}" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent For a system wide install, add the following to /etc/profile.d/ #!/bin/sh source #{opt_prefix}/share/chruby/ RUBIES=(/opt/rubies/*) For a local install, add the following to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc. #!/bin/sh source #{opt_prefix}/share/chruby/ RUBIES=(~/.rubies/*) To use existing Rubies installed by RVM, rbenv or rbfu, set RUBIES to the following: RVM: RUBIES=(~/.rvm/rubies/*) rbenv: RUBIES=(~/.rbenv/versions/*) rbfu: RUBIES=('~/.rbfu/rubies/*) To enable auto-switching of Rubies specified by .ruby-version files: source #{opt_prefix}/share/chruby/ EOS end end