class LlvmAT12 < Formula desc "Next-gen compiler infrastructure" homepage "" url "" sha256 "129cb25cd13677aad951ce5c2deb0fe4afc1e9d98950f53b51bdcfb5a73afa0e" # The LLVM Project is under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions license "Apache-2.0" => { with: "LLVM-exception" } revision 1 bottle do rebuild 1 sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_ventura: "a450c4527222e41c437ea4986d12d808b26af73bb72cf90ac0e4aab91a72061c" sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_monterey: "ff433ce6b78be82fae375dc3735c19272a14d7f62f0724e31d5e6fb438716700" sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "4424885d3b2d3dbfef7a9ceb64e4d6f325f6aa88b66a334f89409c27a6054787" sha256 cellar: :any, ventura: "e59faa5fc23a597bfc3d9649bfe968bdaa3f753ab125ef4fad40484ebb0a16ca" sha256 cellar: :any, monterey: "ea1bd6a3e69f76a43f7acb9ca9e2fb4ef14c444cfc854ccba4188e88b6a28c8b" sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "4635d7fab2baae3b65c031c7d9afb107554a9e529347160164c44ae960726699" sha256 cellar: :any, catalina: "ac5f61a1bc47001ebb52dec1a3278b4fce04a1a579b855245a3aa533cff63ad3" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "8786b4ef7bd5d287feda6aa51aedd29a1856116895f1893066b44040e2a81c87" end # Clang cannot find system headers if Xcode CLT is not installed pour_bottle? only_if: :clt_installed keg_only :versioned_formula # # We intentionally use Make instead of Ninja. # See: Homebrew/homebrew-core/issues/35513 depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "python@3.11" => :build depends_on "swig" => :build uses_from_macos "libedit" uses_from_macos "libffi", since: :catalina uses_from_macos "ncurses" uses_from_macos "zlib" on_linux do depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "binutils" # needed for gold depends_on "elfutils" # openmp requires depends_on "glibc" if Formula["glibc"].any_version_installed? # Apply patches slated for the 12.0.x release stream # to allow building with GCC 5 and 6. Upstream bug: # patch do url "" sha256 "084adce7711b07d94197a75fb2162b253186b38d612996eeb6e2bc9ce5b1e6e2" end end # Fix crash in clangd when built with GCC <6. Remove in LLVM 13 # # patch do url "" sha256 "b80a5718420c789588f3392366ac15485e43bea8e81adb14424c3cad4afa7315" end # Fix parallel builds. Remove in LLVM 13. # # patch do url "" sha256 "b4576303404e68100dc396d2414d6740c5bfd0162979d22152a688d1e7307379" end def install python3 = "python3.11" projects = %w[ clang clang-tools-extra lld mlir polly openmp ] # LLDB fails to build on arm64 linux: # NativeRegisterContextLinux_arm.cpp:60:64: error: no matching function for call to # 'lldb_private::process_linux::NativeRegisterContextLinux::NativeRegisterContextLinux()' projects << "lldb" if !OS.linux? || !Hardware::CPU.arm? runtimes = %w[ compiler-rt libcxx libcxxabi libunwind ] py_ver = Language::Python.major_minor_version(python3) site_packages = Language::Python.site_packages(python3).delete_prefix("lib/") # Apple's libstdc++ is too old to build LLVM ENV.libcxx if ENV.compiler == :clang # compiler-rt has some iOS simulator features that require i386 symbols # I'm assuming the rest of clang needs support too for 32-bit compilation # to work correctly, but if not, perhaps universal binaries could be # limited to compiler-rt. llvm makes this somewhat easier because compiler-rt # can almost be treated as an entirely different build from llvm. ENV.permit_arch_flags args = %W[ -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS=#{projects.join(";")} -DLLVM_ENABLE_RUNTIMES=#{runtimes.join(";")} -DLLVM_POLLY_LINK_INTO_TOOLS=ON -DLLVM_BUILD_EXTERNAL_COMPILER_RT=ON -DLLVM_LINK_LLVM_DYLIB=ON -DLLVM_ENABLE_EH=ON -DLLVM_ENABLE_FFI=ON -DLLVM_ENABLE_RTTI=ON -DLLVM_INCLUDE_DOCS=OFF -DLLVM_INCLUDE_TESTS=OFF -DLLVM_INSTALL_UTILS=ON -DLLVM_ENABLE_Z3_SOLVER=OFF -DLLVM_OPTIMIZED_TABLEGEN=ON -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD=all -DLLDB_USE_SYSTEM_DEBUGSERVER=ON -DLLDB_ENABLE_PYTHON=OFF -DLLDB_ENABLE_LUA=OFF -DLLDB_ENABLE_LZMA=OFF -DLIBOMP_INSTALL_ALIASES=OFF -DCLANG_PYTHON_BINDINGS_VERSIONS=#{py_ver} -DLLVM_CREATE_XCODE_TOOLCHAIN=#{MacOS::Xcode.installed? ? "ON" : "OFF"} -DPACKAGE_VENDOR=#{tap.user} -DBUG_REPORT_URL=#{tap.issues_url} -DCLANG_VENDOR_UTI=org.#{tap.user.downcase}.clang ] macos_sdk = MacOS.sdk_path_if_needed if MacOS.version >= :catalina args << "-DFFI_INCLUDE_DIR=#{macos_sdk}/usr/include/ffi" args << "-DFFI_LIBRARY_DIR=#{macos_sdk}/usr/lib" else args << "-DFFI_INCLUDE_DIR=#{Formula["libffi"].opt_include}" args << "-DFFI_LIBRARY_DIR=#{Formula["libffi"].opt_lib}" end # gcc-5 fails at building compiler-rt. Enable PGO # build on Linux when we switch to Ubuntu 18.04. if OS.mac? args << "-DLLVM_BUILD_LLVM_C_DYLIB=ON" args << "-DLLVM_ENABLE_LIBCXX=ON" args << "-DRUNTIMES_CMAKE_ARGS=-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH=#{rpath}" args << "-DDEFAULT_SYSROOT=#{macos_sdk}" if macos_sdk else ENV.append_to_cflags "-fpermissive -Wno-free-nonheap-object" # Disable `libxml2`, which isn't very useful. args << "-DLLVM_ENABLE_LIBXML2=OFF" args << "-DLLVM_ENABLE_LIBCXX=OFF" args << "-DCLANG_DEFAULT_CXX_STDLIB=libstdc++" # Enable llvm gold plugin for LTO args << "-DLLVM_BINUTILS_INCDIR=#{Formula["binutils"].opt_include}" # Parts of Polly fail to correctly build with PIC when being used for DSOs. args << "-DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=ON" runtime_args = %w[ -DLLVM_ENABLE_PER_TARGET_RUNTIME_DIR=OFF -DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=ON -DLIBCXX_ENABLE_STATIC_ABI_LIBRARY=ON -DLIBCXX_STATICALLY_LINK_ABI_IN_SHARED_LIBRARY=OFF -DLIBCXX_STATICALLY_LINK_ABI_IN_STATIC_LIBRARY=ON -DLIBCXX_USE_COMPILER_RT=ON -DLIBCXX_HAS_ATOMIC_LIB=OFF -DLIBCXXABI_ENABLE_STATIC_UNWINDER=ON -DLIBCXXABI_STATICALLY_LINK_UNWINDER_IN_SHARED_LIBRARY=OFF -DLIBCXXABI_STATICALLY_LINK_UNWINDER_IN_STATIC_LIBRARY=ON -DLIBCXXABI_USE_COMPILER_RT=ON -DLIBCXXABI_USE_LLVM_UNWINDER=ON -DLIBUNWIND_USE_COMPILER_RT=ON ] args << "-DRUNTIMES_CMAKE_ARGS=#{runtime_args.join(";")}" end llvmpath = buildpath/"llvm" mkdir llvmpath/"build" do system "cmake", "-G", "Unix Makefiles", "..", *(std_cmake_args + args) system "cmake", "--build", "." system "cmake", "--build", ".", "--target", "install" system "cmake", "--build", ".", "--target", "install-xcode-toolchain" if MacOS::Xcode.installed? end # Install versioned symlink, or else `llvm-config` doesn't work properly lib.install_symlink "libLLVM.dylib" => "libLLVM-#{version.major}.dylib" if OS.mac? # Install LLVM Python bindings # Clang Python bindings are installed by CMake (lib/site_packages).install llvmpath/"bindings/python/llvm" # Install Vim plugins %w[ftdetect ftplugin indent syntax].each do |dir| (share/"vim/vimfiles"/dir).install Dir["*/utils/vim/#{dir}/*.vim"] end # Install Emacs modes elisp.install Dir[llvmpath/"utils/emacs/*.el"] + Dir[share/"clang/*.el"] end def caveats <<~EOS To use the bundled libc++ please add the following LDFLAGS: LDFLAGS="-L#{opt_lib} -Wl,-rpath,#{opt_lib}" EOS end test do assert_equal prefix.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/llvm-config --prefix").chomp assert_equal "-lLLVM-#{version.major}", shell_output("#{bin}/llvm-config --libs").chomp assert_equal (lib/shared_library("libLLVM-#{version.major}")).to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/llvm-config --libfiles").chomp (testpath/"omptest.c").write <<~EOS #include #include #include int main() { #pragma omp parallel num_threads(4) { printf("Hello from thread %d, nthreads %d\\n", omp_get_thread_num(), omp_get_num_threads()); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } EOS clean_version = version.to_s[/(\d+\.?)+/] system "#{bin}/clang", "-L#{lib}", "-fopenmp", "-nobuiltininc", "-I#{lib}/clang/#{clean_version}/include", "omptest.c", "-o", "omptest" testresult = shell_output("./omptest") sorted_testresult = testresult.split("\n").sort.join("\n") expected_result = <<~EOS Hello from thread 0, nthreads 4 Hello from thread 1, nthreads 4 Hello from thread 2, nthreads 4 Hello from thread 3, nthreads 4 EOS assert_equal expected_result.strip, sorted_testresult.strip (testpath/"test.c").write <<~EOS #include int main() { printf("Hello World!\\n"); return 0; } EOS (testpath/"test.cpp").write <<~EOS #include int main() { std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl; return 0; } EOS # Testing default toolchain and SDK location. system "#{bin}/clang++", "-v", "-std=c++11", "test.cpp", "-o", "test++" assert_includes MachO::Tools.dylibs("test++"), "/usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib" if OS.mac? assert_equal "Hello World!", shell_output("./test++").chomp system "#{bin}/clang", "-v", "test.c", "-o", "test" assert_equal "Hello World!", shell_output("./test").chomp # Testing Command Line Tools if MacOS::CLT.installed? toolchain_path = "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools" system "#{bin}/clang++", "-v", "-isysroot", MacOS::CLT.sdk_path, "-isystem", "#{toolchain_path}/usr/include/c++/v1", "-isystem", "#{toolchain_path}/usr/include", "-isystem", "#{MacOS::CLT.sdk_path}/usr/include", "-std=c++11", "test.cpp", "-o", "testCLT++" assert_includes MachO::Tools.dylibs("testCLT++"), "/usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib" assert_equal "Hello World!", shell_output("./testCLT++").chomp system "#{bin}/clang", "-v", "test.c", "-o", "testCLT" assert_equal "Hello World!", shell_output("./testCLT").chomp end # Testing Xcode if MacOS::Xcode.installed? system "#{bin}/clang++", "-v", "-isysroot", MacOS::Xcode.sdk_path, "-isystem", "#{MacOS::Xcode.toolchain_path}/usr/include/c++/v1", "-isystem", "#{MacOS::Xcode.toolchain_path}/usr/include", "-isystem", "#{MacOS::Xcode.sdk_path}/usr/include", "-std=c++11", "test.cpp", "-o", "testXC++" assert_includes MachO::Tools.dylibs("testXC++"), "/usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib" assert_equal "Hello World!", shell_output("./testXC++").chomp system "#{bin}/clang", "-v", "-isysroot", MacOS.sdk_path, "test.c", "-o", "testXC" assert_equal "Hello World!", shell_output("./testXC").chomp end # link against installed libc++ # related to system "#{bin}/clang++", "-v", "-isystem", "#{opt_include}/c++/v1", "-std=c++11", "-stdlib=libc++", "test.cpp", "-o", "testlibc++", "-rtlib=compiler-rt", "-L#{opt_lib}", "-Wl,-rpath,#{opt_lib}" assert_includes (testpath/"testlibc++").dynamically_linked_libraries, (opt_lib/shared_library("libc++", "1")).to_s (testpath/"testlibc++").dynamically_linked_libraries.each do |lib| refute_match(/libstdc\+\+/, lib) refute_match(/libgcc/, lib) refute_match(/libatomic/, lib) end assert_equal "Hello World!", shell_output("./testlibc++").chomp if OS.linux? # Link installed libc++, libc++abi, and libunwind archives both into # a position independent executable (PIE), as well as into a fully # position independent (PIC) DSO for things like plugins that export # a C-only API but internally use C++. # # FIXME: It'd be nice to be able to use flags like `-static-libstdc++` # together with `-stdlib=libc++` (the latter one we need anyways for # headers) to achieve this but those flags don't set up the correct # search paths or handle all of the libraries needed by `libc++` when # linking statically. system "#{bin}/clang++", "-v", "-o", "test_pie_runtimes", "-pie", "-fPIC", "test.cpp", "-L#{opt_lib}", "-stdlib=libc++", "-rtlib=compiler-rt", "-static-libstdc++", "-lpthread", "-ldl" assert_equal "Hello World!", shell_output("./test_pie_runtimes").chomp (testpath/"test_pie_runtimes").dynamically_linked_libraries.each do |lib| refute_match(/lib(std)?c\+\+/, lib) refute_match(/libgcc/, lib) refute_match(/libatomic/, lib) refute_match(/libunwind/, lib) end (testpath/"test_plugin.cpp").write <<~EOS #include __attribute__((visibility("default"))) extern "C" void run_plugin() { std::cout << "Hello Plugin World!" << std::endl; } EOS (testpath/"test_plugin_main.c").write <<~EOS extern void run_plugin(); int main() { run_plugin(); } EOS system "#{bin}/clang++", "-v", "-o", "", "-shared", "-fPIC", "test_plugin.cpp", "-L#{opt_lib}", "-stdlib=libc++", "-rtlib=compiler-rt", "-static-libstdc++", "-lpthread", "-ldl" system "#{bin}/clang", "-v", "test_plugin_main.c", "-o", "test_plugin_libc++", "", "-Wl,-rpath=#{testpath}", "-rtlib=compiler-rt" assert_equal "Hello Plugin World!", shell_output("./test_plugin_libc++").chomp (testpath/"").dynamically_linked_libraries.each do |lib| refute_match(/lib(std)?c\+\+/, lib) refute_match(/libgcc/, lib) refute_match(/libatomic/, lib) refute_match(/libunwind/, lib) end end # Testing mlir (testpath/"test.mlir").write <<~EOS func @bad_branch() { br ^missing // expected-error {{reference to an undefined block}} } EOS system "#{bin}/mlir-opt", "--verify-diagnostics", "test.mlir" (testpath/"scanbuildtest.cpp").write <<~EOS #include int main() { int *i = new int; *i = 1; delete i; std::cout << *i << std::endl; return 0; } EOS assert_includes shell_output("#{bin}/scan-build #{bin}/clang++ scanbuildtest.cpp 2>&1"), "warning: Use of memory after it is freed" (testpath/"clangformattest.c").write <<~EOS int main() { printf("Hello world!"); } EOS assert_equal "int main() { printf(\"Hello world!\"); }\n", shell_output("#{bin}/clang-format -style=google clangformattest.c") # Ensure LLVM did not regress output of `llvm-config --system-libs` which for a time # was known to output incorrect linker flags; e.g., `-llibxml2.tbd` instead of `-lxml2`. # On the other hand, note that a fully qualified path to `dylib` or `tbd` is OK, e.g., # `/usr/local/lib/libxml2.tbd` or `/usr/local/lib/libxml2.dylib`. shell_output("#{bin}/llvm-config --system-libs").chomp.strip.split.each do |lib| if lib.start_with?("-l") assert !lib.end_with?(".tbd"), "expected abs path when lib reported as .tbd" assert !lib.end_with?(".dylib"), "expected abs path when lib reported as .dylib" else p = if p.extname == ".tbd" || p.extname == ".dylib" assert p.absolute?, "expected abs path when lib reported as .tbd or .dylib" end end end end end