class Opensc < Formula desc "Tools and libraries for smart cards" homepage "" revision 1 head "" stable do url "" sha256 "3ac8c29542bb48179e7086d35a1b8907a4e86aca3de3323c2f48bd74eaaf5729" # Can be removed for next release: patch do url "" sha256 "ba7b66afd7e00f66ec191f3796e23a212bd67fd4e35a018744b0a9c11bc33bed" end end bottle do sha256 "b3f2e064e807dcabaf847e89c8a66f4c1b2d0258f481bc8351faa862e6f50bef" => :sierra sha256 "88e03e589902a65e99c085bac993fef782a3e5011757b330f98d1984a195ff42" => :el_capitan sha256 "68f04600dd085c6720559b78ea8387f40ed7045fa4c281beedb13faa6545fdc0" => :yosemite end option "without-man-pages", "Skip building manual pages" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "docbook-xsl" => :build if build.with? "man-pages" depends_on "openssl" def install args = %W[ --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} --enable-sm --enable-openssl --enable-pcsc ] if build.with? "man-pages" args << "--with-xsl-stylesheetsdir=#{Formula["docbook-xsl"].opt_prefix}/docbook-xsl" end system "./bootstrap" system "./configure", *args system "make", "install" end end