class Rust < Formula desc "Safe, concurrent, practical language" homepage "" stable do url "" sha256 "ba0495f12c7d4e8735f3fa9e036bfafd1ae58c26910393201e95b9d13c80cd7c" resource "cargo" do url "", tag: "0.46.0", revision: "744bd1fbb666f33b20b09d5bacc5047957c8ed42" end end bottle do cellar :any sha256 "79472962cab63fc6e2a4695e9d3697d6449124e7b448edbcf77e7acb405bd21d" => :catalina sha256 "2317cf5c5a5e743a337d9a771e24912ece1b20f0b19dbaf74fb098885a7eebd9" => :mojave sha256 "2c1013aec08b7ede24995c2686f4c4af1c6c1b6cc140dac6f93534c41b1c702e" => :high_sierra end head do url "" resource "cargo" do url "" end end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "python@3.8" => :build depends_on "libssh2" depends_on "openssl@1.1" depends_on "pkg-config" uses_from_macos "curl" uses_from_macos "zlib" resource "cargobootstrap" do # From{version}/src/stage0.txt url "" sha256 "3a618459c8a22773a299d683e4ea0355e615372ae573300933caf6d00019bdd3" end def install ENV.prepend_path "PATH", Formula["python@3.8"].opt_libexec/"bin" # Fix build failure for compiler_builtins "error: invalid deployment target # for -stdlib=libc++ (requires OS X 10.7 or later)" ENV["MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = MacOS.version # Ensure that the `openssl` crate picks up the intended library. # ENV["OPENSSL_DIR"] = Formula["openssl@1.1"].opt_prefix # Fix build failure for cmake v0.1.24 "error: internal compiler error: # src/librustc/ty/ impossible case reached" on 10.11, and for # libgit2-sys-0.6.12 "fatal error: 'os/availability.h' file not found # #include " on 10.11 and "SecTrust.h:170:67: error: # expected ';' after top level declarator" among other errors on 10.12 ENV["SDKROOT"] = MacOS.sdk_path args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}"] if build.head? args << "--disable-rpath" args << "--release-channel=nightly" else args << "--release-channel=stable" end system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make", "install" resource("cargobootstrap").stage do system "./", "--prefix=#{buildpath}/cargobootstrap" end ENV.prepend_path "PATH", buildpath/"cargobootstrap/bin" resource("cargo").stage do ENV["RUSTC"] = bin/"rustc" args = %W[--root #{prefix} --path . --features curl-sys/force-system-lib-on-osx] system "cargo", "install", *args man1.install Dir["src/etc/man/*.1"] bash_completion.install "src/etc/" zsh_completion.install "src/etc/_cargo" end rm_rf prefix/"lib/rustlib/" rm_rf prefix/"lib/rustlib/install.log" end def post_install Dir["#{lib}/rustlib/**/*.dylib"].each do |dylib| chmod 0664, dylib MachO::Tools.change_dylib_id(dylib, "@rpath/#{File.basename(dylib)}") chmod 0444, dylib end end test do system "#{bin}/rustdoc", "-h" (testpath/"").write <<~EOS fn main() { println!("Hello World!"); } EOS system "#{bin}/rustc", "" assert_equal "Hello World!\n", `./hello` system "#{bin}/cargo", "new", "hello_world", "--bin" assert_equal "Hello, world!", (testpath/"hello_world").cd { `#{bin}/cargo run`.split("\n").last } end end