require 'formula' class Fftw < Formula homepage '' url '' md5 '0728ab3ec0ebb06631ab3b80a5c3d130' def install args = ["--enable-shared", "--disable-debug", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-threads", "--disable-dependency-tracking"] # check for gfortran args << "--disable-fortran" if `/usr/bin/which gfortran`.chomp.empty? # single precision # enable-sse only works with single system "./configure", "--enable-single", "--enable-sse", *args system "make install" # clean up so we can compile the double precision variant system "make clean" # double precision # enable-sse2 only works with double precision (default) system "./configure", "--enable-sse2", *args system "make install" # clean up so we can compile the long-double precision variant system "make clean" # long-double precision # no SIMD optimization available system "./configure", "--enable-long-double", *args system "make install" #wtf file? (info+'dir').unlink end end