require 'formula' class Mapserver < Formula url '' homepage '' md5 'b96287449dcbca9a2fcea3a64905915a' depends_on 'gd' depends_on 'proj' depends_on 'gdal' depends_on 'geos' if ARGV.include? '--with-geos' depends_on 'postgresql' if ARGV.include? '--with-postgresql' and not MacOS.lion? def options [ ["--with-geos", "Build support for GEOS spatial operations"], ["--with-php", "Build PHP MapScript module"], ["--with-postgresql", "Build support for PostgreSQL as a data source"] ] end def configure_args args = [ "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-proj", "--with-gdal", "--with-ogr", "--with-png=/usr/X11" ] args.push "--with-geos" if ARGV.include? '--with-geos' args.push "--with-php=/usr/include/php" if ARGV.include? '--with-php' if ARGV.include? '--with-postgresql' if MacOS.lion? # Lion ships with PostgreSQL libs args.push "--with-postgis" else args.push "--with-postgis=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/pg_config" end end args end def install ENV.x11 system "./configure", *configure_args system "make" bin.install %w(mapserv shp2img legend shptree shptreevis shptreetst scalebar sortshp mapscriptvars tile4ms msencrypt mapserver-config) if ARGV.include? '--with-php' prefix.install %w(mapscript/php/ end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent The Mapserver CGI executable is #{prefix}/mapserv If you built the PHP option: * Add the following line to php.ini: extension="#{prefix}/" * Execute "php -m" * You should see MapScript in the module list EOS end end