class Pdal < Formula desc "Point data abstraction library" homepage "" url "" sha256 "c08e56c0d3931ab9e612172d5836673dfa2d5e6b2bf4f8d22c912b126b590b15" license "BSD-3-Clause" revision 4 head "", branch: "master" # The upstream GitHub repository sometimes tags a commit with only a # major/minor version (`1.2`) and then uses major/minor/patch (`1.2.3`) for # the release (with downloadable assets). This inconsistency can be a problem # if we need to substitute the version from livecheck in the `stable` URL, so # we use the `GithubLatest` strategy here. livecheck do url :stable regex(/href=.*?PDAL[._-]v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)[._-]src\.t/i) strategy :github_latest end bottle do sha256 arm64_monterey: "4c517edad1925969b63af40be4b62abf2fe09db4e23f58c7369c4ec170c60b3c" sha256 arm64_big_sur: "3c429f9cef115fb4035a5af4490e95b6ac6a323bcd8dcb66f63c33db0d029ef6" sha256 monterey: "0906017a6a0b9ef2fcd0765891ce6d135a0323798b6ebd25fc5e719a3d4e8b93" sha256 big_sur: "85d1b7e2657be04f9a1c14f3de1657dec459ed5e41a193da9119fb213bf4aecb" sha256 catalina: "83c87ef72f93fcb3a6aa974f1c399c083ad90f36ba52553be6cb8bc4d3dabb91" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "1eddcef5404e65c93ac07197c06415fb9fc93176fc58cf135afcd53c063c9239" end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "gdal" depends_on "hdf5" depends_on "laszip" depends_on "numpy" depends_on "pcl" depends_on "postgresql" on_linux do depends_on "gcc" end fails_with gcc: "5" # gdal is compiled with GCC def install system "cmake", ".", *std_cmake_args, "-DWITH_LASZIP=TRUE", "-DBUILD_PLUGIN_GREYHOUND=ON", "-DBUILD_PLUGIN_ICEBRIDGE=ON", "-DBUILD_PLUGIN_PCL=ON", "-DBUILD_PLUGIN_PGPOINTCLOUD=ON", "-DBUILD_PLUGIN_PYTHON=ON", "-DBUILD_PLUGIN_SQLITE=ON" system "make", "install" rm_rf "test/unit" doc.install "examples", "test" end test do system bin/"pdal", "info", doc/"test/data/las/interesting.las" end end